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Logan was in the school cafeteria, waiting for his mom to pick him. But she forgot about him,again.

On the other side of the lunch room, sat Patton. He was sitting by himself, he was also forgotten by his family. Even though he had a mother, father, and two brothers. No one remembered to pick him up.

Logan was intrigued by the boy, normally he was the only one there. He kept glancing up from his book at him. The boy was on his phone, no expression on his face. He wore a gray cardigan around his waist, a blue polo shirt, and khaki pants. His hair was a faded purple, bangs falling over his face, and slightly went over his glasses that matched Logan's.


After a few hours, the school decided they were going to kick the two out in a few hours, they pityed the high schoolers.
Logan glanced up from his book once more, he stared a bit longer than last time, and he witnessed Patton break down, he set his phone down, set his head down on the table and cried. Logan heard his sobs. He saw him shaking.

Logan questioned if he should comfort him or not. He decided on going to him.

"Hello...?" Logan said cautiously, sitting down next to him.

"Hm?" Patton lifted up his head and quickly wipped away his tears.

"Are you alright?" Logan asked, he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I' m fine." Logan's face soften at hearing the small boy, who he assumed was a freshman.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked, trying to comfort him.

"E-everything." He started crying again.

"It's okay. Im Logan by the way. I don't normally talk to others." Logan said, feeling a bit shy to say this, and he was never shy around others.

"P-Patton." Patton introduced himself.

"It's nice to meet you, Patton. Mind telling me why you're upset?" Logan asked.

"My whole family forgot about me. Four people to rely on, and not one person remembered, this always happens. Im new here by the way." Patton wiped at his eyes again.

"My mother also forgets about me, a lot." Logan told him, he didn't really care though, his mother was either always drunk at some bar or at work, so he never even saw her that often.

"Im sorry to hear that." Patton sniffled, he was incredibly tired, but he had to get home before he could fall asleep.

"It's quite alright. I don't mind her not being home." Logan gave a small smile. It wasn't all that bad to have someone to talk to.

"Would you like to walk home?" Logan asked him.

"S-sure, Im not sure if I really want to though." Patton said.

"I know we don't know each other that well, but you can stay at my place if you want. My mom's never home." Patton looked at Logan with a smile.

"I don't have any spare clothes." Patton said.

"You can sleep in my clothes, even though they would be large on a freshman..."

"Im not a freshman!" Patton squeaked.

"My apologies. What grade are you in?"

"Im a junior." Patton's face was red. He was always mistaken for a child. If they weren't in high school, Logan probably would have thought he was in an even lower grade.

"Your in my year? I guess you are new." 

"Should we leave?" Logan asked quickly changing the subject as he noticed how shy Patton had grown after mentioning his height.

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