I Love You

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The whole school was gathered in the gym for a pep rally, and one boy in particular was preparing himself for speaking in front of the whole school.

For you see, this one boys name was Patton, and he had written a love letter for another boy. And he had no idea how things were going to turn out.


So Patton walked down his row of bleachers, and stood in the middle of the gym, he looked around and then started talking.

"Now, I'm not sure if you're even into boys,
But I love you.

I love, how your smile can brighten any room

I love that your eyes shine in any light, even in the dark.

I love how you smile whenever someone mentions anime.

I love how protective you get over me.

I love that you attempt to save my innocence.

I love how you are interested in the same things I am interested in.

I love how you have always been there for me.

I love how we always put eachother first.

I love your perks and your flaws.

I love your beautiful brown hair."

Patton looked around, eyeing all the faces in the bleachers. Until he stopped on the person he was reading to.

"I am unsure if you like boys, but I want you to know,

Logan Sanders.

I love you."

When Patton had said Logan's name, Logan immediatly stood up, and walked towards Patton, Patton keeping his eye on him the whole time.


As soon as Logan had made it to Patton, he placed his hand on Patton's face, and wiped away a tear.

"Dont cry. Everything is fine. Because I love you too. And I always have, and I always will." And with that Logan placed a short but sweet kiss on Patton's lips.

Everyone cheered. Causing the two to stop and just giggle, foreheads resting on each others.

They were both so happy.

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