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Patton was in the imagination room by himself. He was planning something for the others and he couldn't wait to show them. 

Patton was currently standing on a ladder as he strung fairy lights through a few trees. He had a light blue blanket sprawled out on the grass and he planned on making s'mores for the others and himself later tonight. Further out Patton had set up an array of fireworks. 


Patton clapped his hands together as he finished and he quickly ran back to the common space, running out of the imagination room as he let the cool breeze hit his face as he ran through the grass. 

When he opened the door Logan was walking past the door in the hall way. He stopped when he saw the other side. Patton's hair was adorably messed up, his cheeks a soft shade of pink and he was slightly panting, out of breath. Yet he still wore the brightest smile on his face. 

"Heya Logan." Patton waved happily. 

"Hello, dear." Logan smiled in admiration at his boyfriend. Patton suspiciously closed the door behind him, blocking the door knob so Logan wouldn't even attempt to walk through the door and see what he had planned.

"Are you alright?" Logan asked as he let a small smile settle on his face.

"Everything is perfect." Patton sighed with a smile. He took the two steps that separated himself and Logan and placed a gentle kiss to Logan's lips. "I love you." Patton said softly as he looked up at his boyfriend. Logan was in his normal attire: a black polo shirt, black pants and his blue striped tie. 

Patton on the other hand had been wearing jean shorts that went down to his mid thigh and hugged his hips, and he wore a light blue shirt that had a shark on it and above the shark it read: 'Daddy shark doo doo doo'
Patton loved that shirt, Virgil had surprised him with it out of the blue. 

"I love you too." Logan wrapped his arms around the small boys waist and Patton rested his hands on Logan's chest as he looked up at him. "Now, what are you acting suspicious about?" Logan asked with a smirk on his face. Patton was never good at keeping secrets and he was very obvious whenever he was keeping a secret.

"N-nothing! You can't ask me that, you know I'll break and tell you and it's supposed to be a surprise." Patton scolded as he looked up at Logan with hopeful eyes. "So, don't ask me that. Just let it slide, okay?" Patton asked as he fought to keep his smile off his face as he tried to be serious for once.

"I won't ask again. I apologize." Logan placed another kiss to Patton's lips and Patton immediately fell in love all over again.

"Thank you." Patton stood there a few seconds longer before he tapped Logan's shoulder and loosened himself from the embrace. "Sorry Logi, I have to get some things done, I love you." Patton started to walk off backwards as he looked at Logan with a guilty look on his face as he left Logan.

"It's alright, I love you too." 


Patton ran into Virgil as he made his way to the kitchen, Virgil was heading in the same direction down the hallway except he planned on going to the common room. 

"Hey Kiddo, how are you feeling today?" Patton asked as he radiated energy. 

"Good, you?" Virgil smiled, fond of who Patton was. He was such an easy person to be around.
"I-I"m doing good! Why do you ask?" Virgil instantly knew that he was hiding something, his smile growing more mischievous as he planned to get Patton to spill the news.

"Because you asked me first? Why are you so jumpy?" Virgil asked as he stared at Patton.

"I'm not. I don't know what you're talking about, and I'm definitely not hiding something." Patton clicked his tongue before walking off, not giving Virgil a chance to ask him about what he had just said. 
Once in the kitchen Patton groaned as he realized how hard this was going to be, if he ran into Roman he probably wouldn't be able to not talk about his surprise for later, because Roman loved 'tea' as he described it. Although this wasn't much of a drama, gossip thingy.

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