Heat/Blushing Contest

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(Have a Cute picture)

Virgil's POV

I was dying. It was the middle of summer and the air conditioner was broken. No one was trying to fix it though because they were all dying of heat.

I know that if I took off my hoodie, and long sleeve shirt, I probably wouldn't be as hot. But I refused. I didnt want anyone to see me without my hoodie on. And plus I found it to be too comfortable to take off.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, I didnt think anybody else was in there, but I thought wrong. They were all in there. Logan was wearing a tank top, with a printed on tie, and his normal black pants, Patton was wearing a crop top that had puppies on it (Logan gave it to him for his birthday, he clearly just wanted to see Patton in it.), and then Roman, my crush, was of course wearing no shirt and white skinny jeans. I was hoping that my foundation was covering my blush, but then realized that I didn't put any on this morning because it was too hot, I did put on my eyeshadow though.

"You look really hot Virgil." Roman told me, I could hear a bit of concern in his voice.

"Aww, thanks. Not to bad your self Princey." I told him with a teasing smirk on my face.

"Not what I meant, but I will take the compliment. You look really red in the the face, and you're wearing a hoodie, long sleeve shirt, and black jeans." He informed me with information that I was well aware of.

"I know."

"You should probably change before you die." Patton chimed in with a giggle in his voice. Logan looked over at him and smiled.

"I dont want to." I told them. I grabbed some water and then sat on the table.

"Well then, nice knowing you." Roman saluted me, causing me to laugh. I didnt say anything after that. I just drank my water in silence.


It has been about 30 minutes and I was seriously about to die.

"You should go change now." Roman told me as he stood up from where he was sitting and was now in front of me.

"Make me." I snapped. I was getting a bit irritated because of all this heat. Roman smiled at me and did the unexpected. He picked me up and carried me to my room. Who does that!

"Put me down Princey!" I yelled at him. We got to my room, and he put me down. I was so flustered, I was so stupid for not putting on foundation today.

"Now, change." He said still smiling at me. I hated him, but couldn't help but smile back.

"No." I told him. He walked over to me and poked my sides causing me to laugh.

"S-stop!" I was out of breath from laughter.

"Are you going to change now?" He asked me. I gave in and then took off my hoodie.

"There. You happy?" I asked him. I notice him blush.

"Nope. I'm going to leave and by the time you come down stairs you better be changed. I am not letting you die today." And with that he was gone.

I walked over to my dresser, and grabbed an over sized t-shirt, I don't wear it often because I feel like it was too baggy. And then I changed into some ripped jeans.

"Better?" I asked him once I walked into the common room.

"Yes. Now let's go eat." He said as we walked back into the kitchen.

~while that was happening~

Logan's POV 

I was kind of happy that the A.C. was broken. It gave Patton a chance to wear the shirt I gave him. And my theory was correct, he looked amazing in it. Not that he didn't always look amazing.

"Whatcha looking at?" Patton asked me, I immediately looked away, I was starring at Patton. I didnt mean to, but I was. I could feel my face warm up, more than it already was.

"N-nothing" I quickly told him. Patton smiled at me, it could be because he could tell the difference when someone was blushing and when someone was just feeling hot from the heat. And I was hoping that wasn't it.

"Why are you smiling?"  I asked him, which just caused his smile to grow.
"Oh, no reason." Was all he told me. He giggled, which caused a smile from me. I loved it when Patton laughed.


A few moments later, Roman and Virgil had walked back out.

"Do you guys want something to eat?" Virgil had asked as they made their way into the kitchen.

"I made some cookies earlier if you want to eat some cookies." Patton skipped after them, leaving me to get up last.


Patton's POV

I couldn't help but laugh as Logan started blushing, but as I started laughing while walking into the kitchen Roman and Virgil looked at me.

"Why are you laughing?" Roman asked me skeptically. 

"Oh, nothing. It's just something that happened earlier." I told them, and then raced to grab my cookie jar. Handing everyone a cookie.

"Here you go Logan." I put a cookie in his mouth, I was attempting to make him blush again. And I was very successful. 

"T-thank you, P-Patton." I even made him stutter!

"Woah! Patton did you just take him blush?" Roman asked me, causing me to giggle.

"N-no he didn't" Logan stated making me laugh again.

"And stutter?" Virgil said next.

"Falsehood. I did not stutter. Nor, did I blush, it was just the heat." Logan was being so cute.

 "I bet I can make you blush again." I started to walk closer to him.

"I bet, that I could make you blush." Logan told me, I knew he would start to get competitive.

"Fine." I crossed my arms, and thought.

"Do you go to Hogwarts? Because I adumbledoor you." I told Logan, but he just smile.

"So, you know how you like boys? Does that mean you like me?" I continued to ask, he was slightly loosing his composure.

"Is it hot in here? Or is it just you?" I laughed at that one because the A.C was broken.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, Puppy dogs are cute, Just like you." He was on the verge of blushing I could tell, but before I could say anything else, he kissed me.

I was so shocked, but that doesn't mean I didn't kiss back. And I was so disappointed that he pulled away, even though I was disappointed I was still red, because, well he kissed me!

"I win." Logan stated.

"But...but you caught me by surprise." I was trying to come up with any excuse.

"That didn't stop you from kissing back." Logan winked and then walked over to the table and sat down.

"Fine you win." I also walked over to the table, and hugged him from over his shoulders.

"I know how to make Roman blush, instantly." Virgil spoke up.

"Oh yeah? And how would you do that, Hot Topic?" Roman asked him, he was getting a bit closer to Virgil.

But Virgil didn't say anything, he did however take off his shirt which did make Roman blush.

"You were right. That did work." Roman sounded almost defeated.


This has been a draft for so long, any I felt like I was copying someones, but I felt bad for not remembering who wrote it, or if someone even wrote something close to this (let me know who if you know, and I will tag them) so I added a twist at the end.

Also please feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

Have An Amazing Day!!

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