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(I Just figured out that my ending deleted and never posted, so you can reread, and continue from there, or go to the bold where it cut off and now says 'Resume Here')

Patton's POV

We were having our weekly movie night, as one does. And it was Virgil's turn to choose what we watch, last time it was his turn he said he wouldn't watch a horror movie, but Im sure he will this time, which is okay, I just get easily startled. The last time we watched a scary movie, I had reoccurring nightmares, I just didn't tell anyone because I was embarrassed.


"So, what's it gonna be Virgil?" Roman asked, Virgil currently had three movies set out on the table: 'It' but I don't like clowns, 'Scream 2' Which sounds scary alone, and then there was 'The Conjuring' and I've seen that one before, it was how I knew, and learned to play Hide and Clap.

"These all look really scary." I pointed out, even though he was probably too deep into thought with which one to watch.

I looked over at Logan, who was just sitting on the couch, reading a book waiting for the final decision. He was currently on the couch closest to the kitchen. I was going to sit next to him, just like every other movie night. While Roman and Virgil, after choosing the movie, would sit on the other couch.

I sat down, next to Logan. He put his book down and looked at me suspiciously, as if he could tell I was internally freaking out.

"Let's watch 'The Conjuring' , I haven't seen it in a while." Virgil made his decision. I started to panic, Im not going to sleep for a while. Logan looked at me once again, and cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, but he was nice enough to ask without being too loud.

"Uhh...yeah kiddo. Im just fine." I plastered a fake smile on my face, and he still didn't seem to believe me.

"Okay, but if you aren't just tell me." I nodded in response, and then I heard the movie start. I watched as the other two sat down on the couch. Roman sitting down first, then Virgil snuggling into him, I have a suspicion that they are dating, and if they aren't then they both certainly have feelings for one another.

I scooted slightly closer to Logan, the movie actually starting, apparently it was based off a true story, to make matters worse. And then I realized that I was thinking of the wrong movie, the movie we were watching was the second. 


We were a little further in the movie. It was the part where that one girl was sick, so she stayed home from school, but her mom had to go to work so she was home alone. And then the spooky music started playing, the remote was moving, by itself! And then every time the camera was angled to the chair the music was getting more and more intense.

"Patton!" Logan whisper shouted, I turned my head towards him.

"Yes?" I asked him, I looked back at the other two who were still entranced into the movie.

"You're shaking." He pointed out, I hadn't realized it before but now that I looked at myself I was.

"What's wrong? Are you cold?" I shook my head no. 

"Im just a bit scarred." I admitted, I didn't want to make him worry over me.

"Oh, do you need a hug?" He outstretched his arms, and I couldn't deny a hug from my crush. So, I climbed into his lap, and let him wrap his arms around me.

"Thank you." I told him, leaning my head on his chest.

"Well, I don't want to see you suffer over a movie. Just remember this 'true story' is probably over-exaggerated." I let out a small laugh, knowing that he was right.

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