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Patton was humming along to himself in the kitchen as he put the turkey in the oven. Roman and Virgil were currently putting up the Christmas tree, and Logan was quietly reading at the dinner table. Deceit and Remy were off somewhere, but will come down when dinner is ready.

Thanksgiving dinner was almost ready, Patton had prepared the turkey, putting it back in the oven to keep it warm. He made green bean casserole, something he made very year. The yams (went potatoes, same thing), with extra marshmallows on top, were done and set out on the table along with the green bean casserole, beets, bread rolls, gravy, and home made macaroni and cheese.

As soon as Patton had finished setting the table for the six of them, since Thomas had plans with Joan and Talyn, he wasn't with them. Anyways, back to where I was, as soon as Patton had finished setting the table, he called everyone into the room, waited for them to sit, and started carving the turkey. Soon realizing that he was a bit worn out from cooking all day, and he was probably the weakest out of all of them, he asked for help.

"Hey Logi, could you help me carve the turkey please? I know I normally do it but..." Logan cut him off with a simple peck on the lips.

"Of course I will Patton, you don't have to explain yourself when asking for help." He caressed his significant others cheek, brushing back a strand of Patton's hair in the process.

"Thank you." Patton responded, a slight shade of pink covering his nose and cheeks.

"Now, let's all say one thing that we're grateful for." Patton said after Logan started cutting the turkey. 

"I'll start. I'm very thankful for all of my kiddos and my Logi." Patton had a big smile on his face as he looked lovingly at his family.

"I'll go next." Roman announced, raising his hand like a student. "I'm thankful for my little, itty bitty Virgil. The fact that you felt comfortable enough to opening up about your feelings with me." Roman took Virgil's small hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on his hand. 

"I'm thankful to have people in my life that love me for who I am." Virgil said next, with a smile on his face from Roman's statement.

"I'm thankful for being accepted into the group..." Deceit said quietly, which earned a hug from Remy. "Girl, we love you no matter what." Remy told him, leaning his head on Deceit's shoulder to show affection. 

"Thanks Remy." Deceit put an arm over Remy's shoulder and let it linger there for the remainder of dinner. 

"I'm thankful for Starbucks!" Remy dramatically told the group. "But in all seriousness, I'm glad that Dee decided to stay with us, you're a great addition to the group boo." Everyone laughed at his statement and then it was finally Logan's turn.

Logan put down the carving knife, and turned to face Patton, taking his hands in his. "I'm thankful that Patton was kind enough to show me these, amazing feelings." Logan leaned in, and kissed his tiny boyfriend. "I love you, all of you, happy Thanksgiving." Logan told everyone, and with that they all started serving themselves the delicious food Patton graciously cooked for them, and had an amazing night together.


An hour later, once everyone was done eating, Patton started to put lids on the containers that contained the leftovers. Everyone was helping. Roman carrying the rest of turkey to the fridge while talking to Virgil who brought the gravy. Deceit was sipping the table down while Remy discussed some thoughts that kept him up at night, like how when you drink from a straw you drink from the bottom to the top, but without a straw you drink from the top to the bottom, ya know, things like that. 

And Patton was walking over to the stove with the sweet potatoes, that was in a tinfoil casserole pan (you know what I'm talking about? I don't know how to explain them, I apologize.) 
Logan was holding open the fridge door for Patton. 

"Make sure you're holding it from the bottom and not the li-" Right as Logan was trying to warn Patton, Patton dropped the sweet potatoes, and they splattered all over the floor. 

Everyone gasped at the somewhat loud noise. Patton started crying, being his over emotional self. Patton's legs were covered in the orange yams, the sticky marshmallow all of the place and the smell of brown sugar filling the air around them. Patton fell onto his knees, slightly startled and repeatedly started apologizing. 

"Patton, it's okay. You didn't mean to do it. It's alright." Logan was kneeled down next to Patton, one hand on Patton's cheek and the other running through Patton's fluffy brown hair. 

"I-I-I'm so s-sorry." Patton continued. Logan shushed him, trying his best to calm him down. Patton was crying for three main reasons. One, he was extremely tired, he has been up since five in the morning to cook to turkey. Two, he had made a huge mess infant of his loved ones and had made a completely fool of himself. And three, he was severely scared. He was all ready jumpy on a daily basis, but that noise scared him to no end.

"Patton, babe, you need to calm down, you're going to end up in a panic attack if you don't." Logan continued to run his hand through Patton's hair as Virgil already started cleaning up the mess.

"I-I'm sorry..." Logan then noticed how tired his significant other was, the scared-ness now, mostly gone. 

"Why don't we get you cleaned up and watch a movie?" Logan asked, starting to pick up the small boy. Patton nodded into Logan's shoulder. 

"B-but I have to c-clean up the mess." Patton lifted up his head to look at Logan. "I've got it dad." Virgil told him. Patton had tears threatening to fall again, and Logan softly kissed his nose reminding him that nothing was wrong.

"Thanks kiddo." Patton said softly, and then Logan carried him to his room. You would think that the brightly colored walls and puppy pictures all over the place would cheer up Patton, but it didn't.

"Would you like to wear your onesie?" Logan asked pulling it out of the closet. Patton slightly nodded and went to change. 

"C'mere." Logan opened his arms out gesturing for Patton to hug him after he changed. Patton jumped into Logan's arms, letting him just hold him for a few minutes. 

"Patton, look at me please." Logan said. Once Patton looked at him, Logan examined his face. His eyes were red and puffy and he was getting heavy bags under his eyes. His hair was adorably messy and it looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes opened.

"You need to stop get up so early..." Logan's voice was filled with concern but at the same time was sweet. 

"Only if you stay with me." Patton laid his head back to Logan's shoulder and then they made their way into the common room.


Once in the common room, everyone perked up. "Is he okay?" 

"He is." Logan sat down on one end of the couch with Patton securely in his arms. 

They watched the Lion King for a few minutes before Patton sleepily told Logan "I love you..." And then fell asleep.

And that was how the sides spent their Thanksgiving, the next morning Patton was back to his happy self, and even slept in a bit later with Logan by his side.


Happy Thanksgiving!!!
This is a bit late, I'm sorry, but it's before midnight and therefore I'm counting it. 

Also, guess who dropped the sweet potatoes after dinner today? That's right, me! It was terrible, and I actually ended up crying but not as badly. 

Just quick question of the day~ Who already had there Christmas tree up? 
I of course do, and I was just wondering.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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