His Last Words.

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T.W: Suicide, blood, self harm


Just an average boy.

He always wore a smile.

He was cheerful and happy for a short while. 

Now he's older, things are getting colder. 

Life's not what he thought, he wishes someone had told him.

He told you he was down, you let it slip by.


Virgil had been sent to the guidance councilor, a long line of people who just got out of a fight were there. 

"So why are you here?" A boy asked him.

"I don't feel safe with myself,  life's not what I thought." Virgil said, almost crying.

"You're such an emo." The boy scoffed. That was when Virgil left. He didn't need this from him, he didn't need to tell anyone. He would keep it on the inside.


So from then on he kept it on the inside. 

He told himself he was alright.


Virgil ran into the school bathroom, crying, breaking down, dealing with it by himself, panicking, thinking, he was unsafe with his thoughts. He was telling himself everything would be alright.

 But he was telling white lies


"Cant you tell!? Look at his dull eyes!" Roman screamed at the kid that had told him that. Roman was one of the kids that were in the fight. Someone said something bad about Virgil, so he stood up for him.


Tried to stop himself from crying almost every night.

But he knew there was no chance of feeling alright.

Summer came around, all he wore was long sleeve.

'Cause those cuts on his wrists were bleeding through you see


Virgil got home the last day of school, his parents weren't home he looked for his razor, but couldn't find it, he was going crazy. He raced down to the kitchen and took a small blade that his parents wouldn't notice if it went missing.

He went back to his room, slamming and locking the door. He cut, and cut, and cut. The pain putting him at ease, taking away all his troubles, hiding his mental pain for a while.

He didn't bother cleaning the cuts, he just stuck on a long sleeve shirt, and a hoodie to hide the cuts from his parents and everyone at school, not that they'd care.


He knew he was depressed, didn't want to admit it.

Didn't think he fit in, everyone seemed to miss it.

He carried on like a soldier with a battle wound.


School came back around, he never seeked help, and he continued cutting finding it as his only way to get rid of the pain his thoughts were causing him. 


Bleeding out from every cut his body consumed.

He had no friends at school, all alone he sat. 

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