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Unedited, please don't autocorrect (Even though you guys are better than autocorrect), I'll get to it eventually.


"Virgil, you must not fall asleep in my room. What would happen if Patton saw you asleep in here, cradled in my arms when he wakes us up in the morning? You know his squeal is going to give Thomas a massive headache." Virgil was currently in Roman's room. The two were in Roman's room, on the right side of the house. Patton's room was right next to his, and across the hall were the other two's rooms. Virgil's being the furthest away.

Roman was laying behind Virgil, cuddling him while they watched Mary Poppin's while laying together. "But I don't want to leave." Virgil whined, turning around, placing his hand on Roman's chest, giving him his best puppy-dog eyes. Roman tried to resist it, he knew Thomas would wake up with a really bad migraine if Patton were to find them like that. 

"Virgil, no one else knows about us yet, Patton's going to make a big deal out of it, possibly cry...I love you, but this about Thomas."

"But...what if I have a nightmare? What if I can't sleep?" Roman was about to give in, he was so close to giving in. 

"Can I stay? Please?" Virgil softly kissed Roman's lips, the kiss was short and sweet. It made Roman freeze for a minute, running his fingers through Virgil's hair as he thought. "Fine. But we have to wake up before Patton so he doesn't see us." Virgil smiled brightly, kissing Roman. "Thank you!" Roman couldn't help but chuckle once Virgil pulled away with childish grin on face. 

"You're welcome Dear." Roman removed his hand from Virgil's hair and placed it on his cheek, gently rubbing his thumb against Virgil's soft skin. "I love you." Roman said, staring in admiration. "I love you too."


Early the next morning, neither of the two got up. Patton had heard them talking from in his room, and after watching a movie with Logan, he turned off their alarm.  So the two slept in until nine in the morning. 

Roman was first to wake up, seeing how bright it was, and not checking the time, he started panicking. "Virgil, Virgil, wake up." Roman tried to wake him up, but Virgil was off-ly stubborn when it came to getting out of bed.

"Nooo." Virgil rolled over, hiding his face in the pillow. Roman rolled his eyes, getting out of bed and carrying Virgil bridal style to his bedroom. 

"You owe me." Roman whispered to Virgil. Just before he had made it the Virgil's room he heard a squeal, it wasn't loud, mostly a medium level of an awe. 

"Oh no..." Roman laid his head on the door, looking down at Virgil. "Why'd you stop?" Virgil asked sleepily. 

"My ship!!!!!" Patton ran towards them, and jumped a little at the cute sight. "Oh." was all Virgil said before nuzzling his face in Roman's chest, avoiding the on coming conversation.

"You guys are so cute!" 

"Patton, don't squeal, you don't want Thomas waking up with a migraine." Roman said, trying to calm his friend down. 

"Thomas is already awake Kiddo." Patton had his signature smile on his face as he talked to them, well, mostly Roman. "I made breakfast, would you like to join me? I'm about to go get Logan." 

"I suppose." Roman walked to the kitchen as Virgil whined considering he wasn't going back to bed.

"Oh, shut your face, we can go back to sleep later." Roman laughed, he set Virgil down in a chair at the table and noticed how adorable his sleepy boyfriend was.

Virgil's hair was a complete mess, and he wasn't wearing any makeup. You could see all his adorable freckles, and his already pale skin, and how his bright brown eyes shone beautifully. Roman couldn't take his eyes off him. "You're adorable." Roman said, admiring him more. 

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