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Logan's POV

"Logan it's Christmas!" Patton screamed running into my room and jumping onto my bed like a child. "It's Christmas Logan!!!" Patton was sitting on my lap, taking hold of my hands and pulling me up into an upright position. "Logan come on." Patton continued to whine. 

"Alright Patton, I'm awake, lets go wake up the others." I told Patton grabbing my glasses off my bedside table. I stood up, picking up Patton as well, and he basically erupted into giggles. 

"You're such an adorable bean, not physically of course, clearly you are not an actual bean." I reassured him, which caused him to laugh again. Patton was still in his pajamas, which was strange, I thought he would have put on his Christmas sweater as soon as he woke up, "Patton did you come here once you woke up?" I asked him. 

"Mhm, why do you ask?" he retorted staring at me with his adorable smile and his shiny eyes. "No reason, I just assumed you would have changed into your Christmas sweater first." I pointed at his pajama shirt and he looked surprise.

"Oh! I meant to do that, but I was so excited to see you on Christmas morning." He said shyly, avoiding eye contact. "That's very sweet Patton." I told him, trying to make him feel less embarrassed. "But I can go put it on now." He said, making his way out of my embrace. I walked over to my closet and changed into my own Christmas sweater. Can you come with me, it's really dark." That was when I checked what time it was. 

"Patton! It's four in the morning!" I exclaimed, it was much too early to be up right now. "I know...But I couldn't sleep because I was too excited." He confessed, looking down at the floor. I walked over to him and made him look up at me. "Patton, it's alright, you can stay in here if you need to sleep." I told him, this wasn't the first time this has happened. He tends to have trouble sleeping when he is by himself, to the point where I would stay in his room until he fell asleep and then I would leave. Thomas was the same way as a kid, that was why his parents got him a puppy. 

"Really!?" He asked me, looking extremely excited. "Of course Patton." I sat down on my bed, Patton joining me. He immediately went to cuddle me which made me chuckle slightly.


Roman's POV

I woke up at 6:30 and was up and out of bed as soon as I put on my sweater. I walked into Virgil's room, knowing that he wouldn't be awake I didn't bother knocking. 

I made my way over to his bed and poked his face, causing him to swat at my hadn't, he was quite a light sleeper. "Virgil~" I poked him again, but this time it was his side. "Whaaaaat?" He whined rolling over. I was hovering over him, trying to gain his attention by now.

"It's Christmas." He opened his eyes and once seeing me he smiled. "I have an early present for you too." I told him, placing my hand on his cheek. "And what is that" He asked, smirking. I closed the small gap in-between us and kissed him, and he returned the kiss.

"Merry Christmas." I told him after pulling away. "I guess I have to get up." He whined again. "yes you do, and you need to change your shirt." I told him. she groaned in annoyance when I lifted him up by the hands. "C'mon, don't be a grinch." I lifted him out of bed and we made our way to the real world to wake up Thomas.


Patton's POV

"Logan, Thomas is awake now." I said while shaking Logan awake for the second time. "What time is it?" Logan asked covering his eyes from the light coming in from the window in his room. 

"6:55" I told him, he got up and I got up with a smile following him, I snapped my fingers to change into my Christmas sweater and then we sunk into the real world.

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