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It had been a normal day, all the sides were hanging out, in Thomas' living room. Thomas was sitting on one couch with Virgil and Roman, keeping them separated thinking that they were going to start fighting about something stupid. But all they really wanted was to sit right next to each other. No body else knew this but they had been dating for some time now.

While on the other couch sat Logan and Patton. They were sitting close to each other, but not that close. At least not as close as Patton wanted to be. For he was the more, emotional side, and wanted love and affection. Whether he was receiving or giving said attention. 


As they were, about half way through the movie, Thomas had a thought. He thought about how weird it would be for him to become a girl. how his relationships with his friends would be different, whether or not he would still be into guys, or would he be into girls. He thought about it for a while. And even though he didn't know it, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was going to happen. It may not happen to him. But the four sides are a different story. You see, they were apart of Thomas' mind, and his thought process. If  Thomas thought of becoming a dog then they would all four become dogs. But since he was thinking about how strange it would be to become a girl, that is exactly what happened.


Patton had been the first to transform. He was sitting next to Logan and then started to feel a slight fuzzy feeling in his stomach. he looked over at Logan and told him
"I don't feel so good." Logan looked at him a bit worriedly, and then Patton changed.             "What happened?" Patton looked down at himself. He was a girl. He looked back at Logan, he was clearly just as confused as he was. Patton had wide hips, and not a large chest, but not small either, he was quite thin as well. His hair was long, to the point where it went down to his waist. he was just as short as he was before, if not shorter. His clothes were also too large for him.                                                                
"What happened." he had shocked himself, his voice sounded like a twelve year old girl. It was so high pitched. Logan was still shocked, as were the others.

But before Logan could answer him, the same thing happened to him. He had a really skinny waist, and his hair was shoulder length. His clothes also growing to be a bit big for him. He was still his same height, which made Patton seem even shorter. "Im just as confused." Logan stated, his voice was a lot higher pitched, yet not as high pitched as Patton's

And yet again, another transformation started to happen. This time being Roman. He had a beautiful figure, basically the perfect embodiment of a perfect women. He also had really long hair. Roman as a women was straight up beautiful. And his clothes somehow shrunk to be a perfect fit.

And last was Virgil. He was also quite tiny. Maybe about 4'7. He had a pixie cut, so really short hair. His hips were slightly large, and he was skinny. And he enjoyed how much bigger his clothes got.
They were all beautiful.

"What happened to you guys?" Thomas asked them.
"How are we supposed to know?!" Virgil squeeled. Suddenly realizing how high pitched his voice was.
Patton burst into tears. He was emotional before this, but being a women made him even more emotional. They were all looking at him/her(I'm not sure what to put so imma stick with she/her pronouns), and Logan was the first to go to Patton.
"Patton? Are you okay?" Once Logan asked this, Patton begin to sob. She felt bad so she quickly hugged her.
"It's going to be okay. We will figure out what happened. There is no need to cry, we are all here for you." Logan did her best to comfort her.
"Im sorry for crying" Patton mumbled into her shirt.
"Don't apologize." Logan said as she lifted her chin in order to see her face.
"You are quite the beautiful women, short but beautiful" Patton blushed at her statement.
"Im not short, I'm taller than Virgil." She walked up to Virgil, to measure herself, but they turned out to be the same height.
"Nevermind." Patton pouted. They all laughed at her statement.
"Well at least my Virgil is still tiny." Roman said as she picked up Virgil, causing them both to laugh.
"What...what is happening here?" Thomas asked them. Roman kissed Virgil. It was a short kiss, but Virgil still loved when ever he kissed him.
"Well I guess now is a good time to tell them." Virgil nodded.
"We're dating." They both said at the same time.
"I thought you two hated eachother." Logan stated, she was a bit shocked still.
"I knew this would happen." Patton teased, and then went over to hug them both.
"I have always shipped you two." They all looked at him confused, except Thomas. He knew very well what shipping meant.
"Shipping?" Logan asked him.
"It's when you want two people to be in a relationship." Patton told her. She removed herself from the hug, and then sat next to Logan again.
"We should sort this out." Logan told Thomas. They all nodded.
"I may know why this happend." Thomas told them, while he was still thinking.
"I was just thinking about how weird it would be to become a girl." When he said this, they all looked like they knew exactly how and what happened.
"Oh, well then that makes since. We should be back to normal by tommorrow then." Logan told them, as she thought about something. But the only thing she could think about was Patton. How he could be beautiful as male or female.

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