
495 23 19

TW: Brief warning of suicide
Minor swearing

Deciet threw on a shirt, he looked around the dark room, it couldn't have been but four in the morning, he glanced at his clock and the numbers 3:23 glared at him.
"Fuck." He drug out the word, hissing a bit as he turned and let his legs dangle over the side of the bed. He rubbed at his eyes, it was too early for him but he knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep after the nightmare he just had.

He looked up again. 


The clock seemed so condescending, as if it were mocking him. He couldn't do anything.

Deceit felt an arm snake around his waist. He didn't flinch. He knew all too well that Remus wasnt going to intentionally scare him, not this early in the morning at least.
"Dee? Lay back dooown." Remus tried to pull on Deceit, he was too weak compared to him though, so nothing happened.

When Remus realized Deceit wasn't going to go back to bed, he sat up, sitting on his knees behind Deceit and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"What's wrong, babe?" His voice was sooth - comforting.
Deceit leaned back, appreciating Remus' warmth.

"Just another nightmare. No need to be concerned."
"Don't lie to me Dee."

They sat in silence for awhile.
Deceit opened his eyes, the clock continued to mock him.


"It's the same nightmare as before. It's constantly replaying in my head. Every night. I don't know how to make it stop." Remus lightly sighed, he placed the lightest kiss on Deceit's neck.
"The one where Vee keeps leaving?" Deceit nodded.
Another sigh left Remus' lips.

"You need to talk to him about this. It might help-"
"There is no way in hell, that I am going to tell Virgil about this."
"He'll mock me. He'll laugh. He'll be so fucking happy to know I'm suffering."
"He's not like that."
"The hell do you know about him, you two hardly made any effort to even talk to one another!" Deceit aggressively wiped his tears away.
"Deceit. You better stop talking to me like I'm some piece of fucking trash. I'm here to listen to you, but you better stop snapping at me."

The room fell silent again.


"I apologize. It won't happen again." Deceit laced his fingers with Remus'.
"If it comes down to it, and this damn nightmare doesn't go away by next month, then I'll talk to Virgil about it. But I don't want to here another word of this unless I bring it up. Am I understood Remus?" Remus smiled slyly at Deceit's strict voice.
"Yes, sir." Remus lightly kissed his neck again.

4:00 am

Deceit sighed.


"Roman!" Virgil giggled as he attempted to push Roman away. The two were laying in Roman's room and in the middle of a movie Roman started to tease Virgil, in the process he realized that Virgil was ticklish almost everywhere, so he was taking advantage of it.

"Ro! Stop! You're-" Virgil couldn't finish his sentence as he erupted into another fit of laughter.
"Why didn't you tell me you were so ticklish?" Roman teased, not getting an answer, which was expected.

It took Virgil awhile but he eventually got the upper-hand. He was sat on Roman's lap and had Roman's hand pinned to the bed. Virgil was out of breath.

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