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I know I'm not that great, please don't put any mean comments, thank you.

Now the questions:

Question From: @InLoveWithAWaterMage

Q: Here's a question: HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT WRITING?Also, I'm super excited for the face reveal! :3

A: I have reason to believe that I write somewhat okay because I always enjoyed writing and Thomas Sanders' sander side characters gave me inspiration to start writing. Another thing that helps, is proof reading once or twice before publishing. 


Next Question From: @AmputatedOnion 

Q: QuEStIOns: Who's you favorite side? Whats your favorite pairing? Do you think that the sides look different from eachother? (Like Patton has freckles, ect) Whats your favorite animal? Hail Satan? How are you doing today? :ppp k byeee OH WAIT ONE MORE!!!!!!!!! Puppys or kittens?!?!?!

A:  1) Logan is my favorite side, even though I love all of them so, so, so much. But, I find the fact that Logan tries to hide emotions, even though he clearly has them, adorable. Logan tries to be smart all the time, and, well an emotionless robot, but he isn't. He gets mad, like when he screamed "Falsehood!" at Virgil for insulting his hypothetical mother. And he has sympathy, like when Patton gets upset in the 'Growing Up' video because Logan and the others didn't understand that they were making Thomas unhappy, and there are so many other reasons for why Logan is my favorite.

2) My favorite pairing is Logicality, because they are just so freaking cute!!! Don't get me wrong I love Prinxiety just as much, but it's just too cute, and there were so many occurrences where they are being adorable. Like Patton calling him his hero and Logan retorting with calling him adorable.

3) When I write I see all the sides different. Like Patton and Virgil are smaller in height than the other two. Logan seems like someone who would have his hair slicked back, Roman would have the stronger jawline, Virgil would have the shaggy hair that covers his eyes, and Patton would have freckles covering his cheeks and nose, and ect. 

4) My favorite animal would have to be... a teacup pig, which is just a miniature pig that doesn't grow to a very big size. I want one when I'm older, and I plan on getting one.

5) Nope

6) I could be better. I'm not dating, not rich, school is starting up soon, and in all honesty I could loose a few pounds.

7) Puppies. I love kittens too, and I actually have two, and three dogs. But doggos are more playful and I love them.


Next Question Is From: @Nimy14

Q: How old are you?

A:  I am 13 


Next Question Is From: @LoganIsRelatable

Q: Question: How do you write so good you freaking goddess!? Oh, also.. my gender and sexuality can't decide what it is. Help? Maybe??

A: First of all, thanks for calling me a goddess. And about your gender and sexuality, well, as few of you know I am gay, I dig girls. But I'm also asexual. 

If you're having trouble deciphering what you identify as don't drive yourself crazy over it, you will know in time. And I don't really know how to help you decide your gender but if you feel uncomfortable when people call you (Im sorry if I assumed your gender) she/her than you could feel more comfortable being called he/him, and if neither of those suit you than maybe try and see if they/their works out.

Now, your sexuality. Well, if you think boys are hot, you're straight. If you think girls are hot, your gay. If you think both are attractive, then you're bi. If everyone seems like an option then you're pan. If no one seems datable, then you could be a-romantic. And if I didn't help I am deeply sorry.


And now a question for everyone.
Do you want me to write any other ships?

I don't exactly ship anyone else, but to make others happy I will try me best, just say the word.

If anyone wants to ask anymore questions, maybe I'll make another QuA at 100 chapters, or 10k reads, depends on what comes first.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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