You are My Sunshine

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Trigger Warning!

Patton was in the hospital, he had just gotten out of surgery, he had given his Kidney to his brother who was in the next room. Logan was sitting next to him holding his hand, Logan had been his husband for a little over four years, but they've been together for eight.

"Would you feel better if I sang you something?" Logan asked him. Whenever Patton cried, or got hurt, or wasn't smiling Logan would sing to him one song that his mother used to sing to him.

"Please?" Patton said weakly. And so Logan sat there, and sang You are my Sunshine.

"Thank you Lo." Patton said, falling asleep not to long after.


Patton was alone. He had tears in his eyes, and he waited for Logan to get to where he was, to sing him the song, to hear his voice. He started singing without Logan, trying to calm himself down.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Tears were streaming down Patton's face. He continued to wait for Logan.

The other night dear, I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I bowed my head and cried.


Patton and Logan had gotten out of school, Patton was overwhelmed by what he was going to do with his life, and what would happen next now that he was never going to school again.

As he was going to bed he called Logan over the phone and asked him to come over. Logan was his boyfriend, of two years now. Within five minutes Logan pulled into his parents driveway and knocked on the door to be greeted with Patton's mother.

"Did Patton call you?" She asked him, offering a smile as she opened the door wider for Logan to walk in.

"Yes ma'am." Logan walked up the stairs and knocked on Patton's door.

"Patton?" Logan walked in and noticed Patton pacing back in forth. Logan walked forward and wrapped his arms around his waist to calm down.

"Can you sing to me please?" Patton asked as he looked up at Logan.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." Logan started, immediately calming Patton down, he leaned his head on Logan's chest and took a few breaths taking in Logan's smell.


I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me and love another
You'll regret it all some day


Logan and Patton had first met in 10th grade, they met in math class, which Logan had been assigned to tutor him.

"Im Patton." Patton smiled at him and stuck out his hand. Logan accepted his handshake.

"Logan." He said simply.

The two boys decided to meet at Patton's house sense neither of his parents would be home, nor would care if he had company. When Logan made it to Patton's house he took everything in, the soft colors of blue and gray, and the homey feeling. A radio was playing faintly in the background and Patton had his books set out on the table.

"Hi Logan." Patton greeted him.

"You have a very lovely home." Logan said taking a seat at the table.

"Thank you." Patton smiled. The song had ended and then switched to You are my Sunshine.

"This is a good song. I always listen to it to calm me down." Patton informed Logan, who memorized that. And the first time he saw Patton panic he sung it to him, remembering the words Patton had told him.

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