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Patton wandered around the mind space, he hadn't seen his boyfriend, Logan, all day and he was starting to feel lonely and he was craving affection. He turned down the hallway and stopped in front of Logan's door, hesitantly bringing up his fist to knock on the door. 

Patton waited for an answer and eventually heard a muffled "come in" from Logan. He opened the door, walked in and closed it behind him.

"Logi?" Logan slightly looked up and answered with a hum, keeping his eyes on his computer screen as he typed away and worked. 
"Do you think we, maybe watch a movie together...and cuddle?" Patton walked closer to the working side, stopping once he was right next to him.
"Not right now, dear. I have to finish my work by tomorrow and I'm quite busy."
"No buts about it, I'll see you tonight, you can sleep in my room if you'd prefer." Logan's eyes were glued to the screen as he typed away. Patton stood there for a second, stuck in his own train of thought. 
"Is there something else, Patton?" 

"C-can I have kiss...?" Patton was hesitant to ask, he could tell that Logan didn't want to be bothered right now but he was so touch starved and couldn't help but to ask. 
"Later, dearest." When Logan continued working Patton had left the room, feeling even worse than he had before. Knowing that his own boyfriend didn't even want him around didn't make him feel too good and he simply wanted a hug. 

He took a deep breath, attempting to get rid of his teary eyes. He walked into the common with his head down, looking up once he realized the t.v was on and someone else was in there.

"Hey, Roman" Patton said quietly, walking over to the couch to sit down next to him. Roman could sense his change in attitude, he put all his attention on Patton as he sat down.
"You alright, Patton?" Roman put his arm around Patton's shoulders, pulling him closer to him so they were hugging. Patton couldn't help but lean into the touch, he had been craving affection all day and even the small gesture was enough to make Patton feel better. Patton cuddled closer to Roman and let his eyes shut, he was enjoying the warmth and comfort the other provided.
"Can we sit here for a bit?" Roman looked at him questioningly, but he didn't push it. If Patton wanted cuddles than he'd provide him with cuddles. It was as simple as that.


Patton had fallen asleep long ago and Roman didn't dare to move, not wanting to disturb him. Patton's arms were around Roman's waist, his head resting on Roman's chest and Roman's arm was around Patton's waist. Virgil had come out of his room earlier and smiled at his boyfriend and Patton on the couch, he knew the two were nothing more than friends so them cuddling didn't really affect him. He had gone into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, but he made a small detour to give Roman a quick kiss before retreating to his room again.

A few more hours went by and it was ten at night. Logan finally finished his work and decided on getting some water and perhaps a small snack, he had completely forgotten about Patton disturbing early but when he saw the two on the couch, he froze in the hallway. Logan had no idea why the two were so close to each other, wrapped in each others arms, Patton practically in Roman's lap. Logan didn't like seeing this, quite the opposite actually, he felt anger rise in him the longer he stared at the two.

"Roman." Logan took a few steps closer, anger was evident on his face and Roman knew why. The creative side smirked, knowing exactly what Logan was thinking and feeling, maybe this would teach the teach that he can't just neglect his boyfriend, even if he had to work.
"Logan. I haven't seen you all day, how are you?" Roman played it off as if he was a clueless moron. 
"Why are you so close to my boyfriend?" Logan took a step closer.
"I don't know, why am I? Perhaps it's because when he walked out of your room he looked to be on the edge of tears and anyone, even a stranger, could tell how much he just needed to be hugged. Plus, he initiated the cuddle and I wasn't going to deny him." Roman turned his attention away from Logan, facing the t.v as Logan simply stared at him.

Patton started to stir in his sleep, his eyes fluttered opened as he tilted his head up to see Roman, Roman looked down at him and ran his hand through Patton's hair.
"How did you sleep?" Roman asked softly as he pushed a strand of hair out of Patton's face causing Patton to relax against his touch and close his eyes again.
"Good." Patton kept his answer short and simple, he had yet to realize that Logan was in the room.

"Patton." Logan called out, he crossed his arms as he looked down at the two, he now had their attention.
"L-Logan? Did you finish work?" Patton asked hopefully, his hopeful smile faltered a bit as he realized that Logan was mad. At what? Patton had no idea, but he wanted to find out so he could make him happy again.
"I did. Now, do you care to explain why you and Roman were cuddling?" Logan asked, slightly intimidating Patton, Roman simply rolled his eyes.
"I already told you why." 
"I don't believe you." Patton shared a glance with Roman, silently thanking him for allowing him to sleep next to him. He stood up and walked over to Logan, looking up at him before he wrapped his arms around Logan's shoulders, standing on his tippy toes as he did so.
"I was tired, Logan. Don't think any further into it, because there's no more to the situation."
"If you were tired, you could have slept in your bed, or even mine."
"...I didn't want to be alone." Patton mumbled.
"I would have been in my room, you wouldn't have been alone."
"No." Patton took a shakey breath. "I wanted to be next to someone, preferably you but...but you didn't wanna cuddle and I wasn't gonna force you to do it." Patton slightly tightened his grip, hiding his face in Logan's neck as he spoke.

Logan took a minute to think about what Patton had said, eventually he picked him up, causing Patton to let out a small yelp of surprise. He carried Patton into his room and away from Roman, so he could speak to him privately. 

Roman watched as the two went further down the hall, once he heard Logan's door close, he made his way to Virgil's room so they could cuddle and watch a movie.

Logan closed the door behind him and set Patton down on his bed. He crossed his arms again and looked over at his desk where he had a neat stack of papers to the left of his desk and his closed laptop in the center. 
"Logi? I'm sorry for making you mad..." Patton stared down at the floor, not realizing when Logan had turned to look down at him. 
"No. I'm not mad." 
"...then... I-I'm sorry for disappointing you." Patton changed his answer, feeling even worse, feeling as if he had cheated or something terrible like that.
"Patton, look up at me please." Logan kneeled down, sitting on his knees so Patton didn't have to look too high up at him.
"I am not mad or disappointed. I'm sorry, I understand that being your significant other means I have to be there when you need me. You're the moral side and you need affection, which I am here for." Logan gave Patton a quick kiss before he continued talking. "I'll try to spend more time focussing on you instead of work." Patton let a small smile rest on his face as he looked at Logan.

"I'm sorry too." Patton spoke softly, putting his hands on Logan's cheeks and sadly smiled at Logan. "I should have just talked to you. I shouldn't have gone to Roman, but we used to have sleepovers. Roman and I are close and I'm sorry that I forget that we're close and how some things we do are things that would make anyone jealous. If you were to cuddle with Roman or Virgil or anyone I know I'd be jealous too. So, I'm sorry. I'll also try not to be so clingy and-" Logan cut me off.
"Don't change yourself. You being clingy is something I love about you so don't change yourself. I don't care if you hug on the others it's just something you do and I'll get used to that because I love you and I don't want you to change." Logan put his hands on Patton's wrist, offering the smallest smile to Patton.

"I love you too." Patton leaned forward, placing a kiss to the tip of Logan's nose. "Now, do you think we could go to sleep? I've just woken up and I'm still tired."
"After we eat something we can." Patton agreed and stood up after Logan did. 


I have school in 2 days.

Would anyone want a different ship besides Logicality or Prinxiety? I think I'd be opened to the idea of writing something else either than those. Just send a request or something?

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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