It Gets Better

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Thirteen year old Roman sat at his desk, Thomas had a project dew in a few days and he knew that he needed to help him think of an idea. But he was distracted and couldn't focus. 

His chin was propped up on his fist as he stared at the wall in front of him. He was originally thinking of project ideas but then his mind started to wander. His partner - Jack - was clouding his thoughts. he couldn't get thought of his bright but eyes and fluffy brown hair and his button nose out of his head. A smile rested on Roman's lips as he was lost in thought.

"Roman?" Logan gave a quick knock before walking in. 
"Hmm?" Roman quickly spun around in his chair, being knocked out of his thoughts. 
"Are you almost done with the project idea so I can start on the research?" 
"Uh..." Roman looked down at the blank piece of paper. "Almost, give me ten more minutes."

Logan left his room. Shutting the door with a soft click. Roman shook his head, he knew he shouldn't be so focused on his partner. If anything Thomas' girlfriend should be who he was day dreaming about. He sighed, putting his pen to the paper and jotting down ideas so he could give the paper to Logan in a few minutes. 


"Roman, what seems to be on your mind?" Patton was a year older than Roman, so he took it upon himself to look after him. The four sides were sitting in the common room, discussing Thomas' work-ethic for his school work. 

"I would also like to know, you've been daydreaming much more than normal lately and it seems to be taking a toll on Thomas." Logan crossed his hands in his laps as he watched Roman squirm in his seat, he had never seen Roman become uncomfortable because attention had been put on him.
"Yeah, and with Thomas worried, it's making me worried, more than usual that is." Virgil closed in on himself, not being used to adding to any part of theses conversations. 

"I-" Roman cleared his throat, pulling his knees up to his chest and looking down at the floor - ignoring the others eyes on him. "I think Thomas should break up with his girlfriend." Roman's voice was hard to hear, but it was still audible. 
"What? Why? I think she's amazing!" Patton smiled at the thought of her. She was sweet and kind and funny, and Patton loved when Thomas hung out with her.
"I'd have to agree with Patton, she brings Thomas a tolerable amount of joy. Being with her brings Thomas happiness and I feel that Thomas would only benefit from staying with her." Logan adjusted his tie, glancing across the room to see if everyone else agreed, Roman still seemed to be hiding in on himself.

"Why would you want to break up with her?" Virgil exclaimed. "Breaking up with her could hurt her, which would hurt Thomas. What if people start spreading rumors that we did something bad to her! What if she turns on Thomas? What id she-"
"Anxiety." Roman spoke softly, looking up at Virgil. There was no smile on the fanciful side. He wasn't too happy with how much everyone disagreed with him. 

"I get it. You guys don't agree. We don't have to do was just a suggestion." Roman sighed. He did seem very off to the others. Which - in turn - would only affect Thomas negatively.

"May I ask why you want to break up with her?" Logan asked, wanting more of a reason.
"Uh, no reason. If you'd all excuse me, I've got to help Thomas." Roman ran off to his room, pulling out a piece of paper and concentrating on how they would decorate Thomas' school project.


Patton sat in his room, it had been a month since they had there last discussion and he was trying to figure out when it would be best to hold another meeting. He tapped the end of his pencil against his chin as he got lost in thought. 
While he was lost in thought, an image of Jack popped up in his head. His freckles stood out to Patton and memories of him and Thomas laughing together popped up. Patton smiled fondly. 
In the memory, Jack and Thomas were sharing a lunch because Thomas forget to pack his and didn't have any lunch money. Jack had laughed when Thomas spilt some of his food on his shirt and he picked up a napkin and removed it for him. He noticed that Thomas had felt a very strong admiration for the boy in front of him. The small urge to kiss Jack filled Thomas' head.

Patton shook his head, clearing the memory.
"I don't remember that..." Patton spoke softly to himself. He decided it'd be best to hold another meeting now, so he called up the others and they all met in his room. 

"Patton? That as quite sudden. You normally give us a day in advance to think about what we want to discuss before we meet." Logan sat down on the edge of Patton's bed. 

"I know, I know. I'm sorry kiddos. But I think that Thomas needs to break up with her." 

"You too?" Logan asked, taking in Patton's form. His eyes were wide and dilated and he could only assume that his heart was beating fast sense he seemed so passionate about the topic. 

"Yes!" Patton started to pace the room, thinking about the memory.
"Sorry, didn't mean to raise my voice. I just think...well...I think Thomas might be," Patton searched for the right words to explain. "I think Thomas might like boys...more." 

"You've been feeling it too!" Roman jumped up, the first smile in a week formed on his face as he firmly grasped Patton's shoulders, lightly shaking him with relief. 
"Well, yeah. A memory of Thomas' had started to play through my head and - I hadn't realized it at the time - but Thomas really likes this one boy." Patton side fondly, placing his hands on Roman's wrist and removing his hands from his shoulders. 

"Are we talking about Jackson?" Logan asked, staring down at the floor.
"That'd be the one."
"Then, I too, agree." Logan's cheeks were slightly flushed. Over the pass few days he had been experiencing the same thing. Random flashes of memories would cloud his thoughts and he wasn't able to work. He was quite fond of the way that Jack could list off thoughts off the top of his head whenever asked. He admired the way that he always had the right word whenever Thomas couldn't quite put his finger on it. He admired the way that Jack was always on top of his work. 
"Yes, I do believe we should ask Thomas to break up with the girl." 

"No!" Virgil jumped up, he had been quietly fidgeting on one side of the room, listening to everyone talking as his head spun and his heart raced. He had been getting the memories of jack too, but he fully disagreed with breaking up with Thomas' girlfriend. 

"We can't breakup with her! She'll hate Thomas! And if we do breakup with her, she might ask for a reason. What're we supposed to tell her? That he's gay? That we've fallen for Jack and that she has the suffer the consequences because we can't decide on what we want? What if she starts rumors of Thomas being gay? What if she outs him?" Virgil looked up at the others, a panicked expression on his face as he noticed everyone's eyes on him. 

"Virge..." Patton tried to take Virgil's hand in his but Virgil flinched back. Staring at the floor. He was going to end up in a panic attack if he didn't get his mine settled soon. Which would lead to Thomas in a panic attack which would be fully blamed on him because, well he was to blame. How couldn't he be?

"Virgil. You must calm down." Logan told him, standing closer to Virgil, standing next to Patton. 
"I-I can't!"

Roman took a step closer the other two, pulling them both back to give Virgil space. He may not have liked Virgil, but he knew he didn't deserve this.
"Hey, listen to me." Roman stayed a good ways away from Virgil, his voice was kind and his expression soft. Virgil's eyes were focused on him. 
"I wasn't okay with it to begin with either. These feelings had hit me first, seeing as I am the romantic aspect for Thomas. They scared me, terrified me even. I wasn't ready to face those feelings, and it sure didn't help when you guys all disagreed with me wanting to breakup with Thomas' girlfriend because I need time to figure things out. But after hearing that everyone's going through the same thing, I saw that I wasn't alone. You're not alone, Virge." Roman took Virgil's hand and brought him down to the ground so he was sitting on his knees and wasn't at risk for falling incase his legs gave out on him. 

"I know that! Do you guys think that I haven't been getting the memories either? I get the memories! Trust I get them! They fill my head and they scare me! The way that Jack is always there to listen to Thomas, the way that he gives comforting hugs that help my mine and Thomas' quit worrying so much. The way that he's been here for long." Virgil's eyes were fixed on Roman's. 

"It's okay, Virgil. It's get better." 


~Happy Quarantine!!
~Have An Amazing Day!!

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