Reason Behind Logicality and Prinxiety

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It was raining outside. Therefore it was also raining in Thomas' mind.
Virgil found the rain soothing, so he decided to go outside. He found a tree to sit under. And he was out for hours.  He ended up falling asleep.

Roman had been looking for Virgil for about five minutes. He was starting to worry when he had searched everywhere that Virgil would be. He was going to ask him to watch a movie with him. He just wanted to hang out with Virgil, he may have had a crush on Virgil.
He never hated Virgil to begin with. For example when Virgil had popped up in his first video, and Roman had said 'I hate this guy' he was lying (Like girl language, you have no idea what we mean sometimes).

Roman's Pov

I need to make sure that Virgil is okay. I don't want him to be hurt and in need of help. I need to go to him, to find him. I am so worried about my Virgil.
I had looked for Virgil everywhere. Except the imagination room, which is my next stop.

I made it to the room, and opened the door. I soon came to a realization that it was raining. Virgil loved the rain. Why had I not come here first? I walked in, and looked around. I saw a sleeping Virgil under one of the trees and smiled to myself. I made my way over there. And sat next to him, happy that I found him.
"Im glad I found my Virgil." I whispered while I started to play with his hair, expecting him to be asleep.
"Your Virgil?" He whispered back. I was startled, I pulled back my hand.
"You dont have to stop, it felt nice." He told me, causing me to smile again. I placed my hand back and started to tangle my fingers in his hair.
"How long have you been out here?" I questioned in a soothing voice.
"What time is it?" He asked still tired.
"Let's just go inside." I stated, he shook his head no causing me to laugh slightly.
"I dont want you getting sick." He shook his head again.
"But I like the rain." He whined. I laughed once more and then picked him up.
"As I said before, I dont want you getting sick." And then I made my way inside with him in my arms. He didnt protest and acually cuddled closer to me. I sat on the couch and let him stay snuggled with me, soon falling asleep myself.

Patton's Pov

I was just finishing work, and wanted to ask Logan to do a puzzle with me. I knocked on his door and waited for a response.
After waiting a few minutes Logan opened the door, I smiled as I saw him, Logan doing the same.
"Hi Logi! Do you want to do a puzzle with me?" I asked him, his smile growing wider.
"I would love to. Which one do you want to do?" I ran back to my room and quickly came back, a hogwarts puzzle in my hands.
"This one" He laughed and then we walked into the common room together. And when we walked in I sreamed. I had seen the cutest thing.
"Patton? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Logan asked me, moving in front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders. I blushed lightly with the contact, because well, I may have a crush on him. But I quickly pushed that aside and pointed at the now awake snuggling pair on the couch.
"My ship!!!" I squeeled.
"Ship? Where?" Logan looked puzzled.
"Not ship, meaning a water vehicle. A ship meaning  a relationship that you want to happen." I explained to him. I looked back over at the two, they were both blushing brightly, causing me to be even happier.
"'s not what it looks like?" Virgil tried to defend, but he didn't sound to sure.
"Really? Because it looks like you two are cuddling. You are both blushing as if you are only embarrassed because you like eachother and we caught you hugging. And now you can hardly speek without stuttering. It looks like you two like eachother yet not dating making this somewhat embarrassing." I told them. They both looked at me in shock, Logan doing the same.
"Where did that come from?" Logan asked, I smiled at him.
"I am just very passionate about my ship. Now the puzzle?" I said as I shook the puzzle box in front of me.
"Okay let's continue on with our plans." I started walking but my mind was too slow to realize that Logan was to close, and then I tripped and fell on him.
I hit my head on the floor, as I was trying to avoid hitting his head with my own.
"Patton are you alright?" I heard someone say, but I couldn't tell who. I looked up, and saw two people standing above me, and one under me.
"Yeah, just hit my head." I said sitting up. I looked at Logan and he looked terrified.
"Patton, you're bleeding." He informed me as he reached out his hand to almost touch my forehead.
"Am I?" I tried to laugh it off but it did truly hurt.
"Im fine. Let's do the puzzle." He looked me squarely in the eyes.
"Let me fix this up for you and then the puzzle." He told me sternly.
"But...but, I just want to do the puzzle with you." I whined.
"And you will, just wait a little longer. Roman, will you please hand me the first aid kit?" And with that Roman left. Logan sat up, and let me stay on his lap as he bandaged my head.

"You have very pretty eyes." I tried to start up a conversation, but then thought I was stupid and should have said something else.
"Thank you. You also have very pretty eyes." I felt my face burn red, I could tell that I was intensely blushing.
"Are you sick?" Logan questioned, as he felt my cheeks to tell how warm I was.
"Nope." And then I heard Virgil and Roman snickering from the couch.
"What are you two laughing at?" He continued to question.
"How you are so oblivious, expecially to his feelings for you." I quickly looked at Virgil before he could finish.
"Virgil, stop." I said as I continued to turn even redder.
"Im finished." Logan told me. I hugged him, and thanked him.
"Can we pretty, pretty please do the puzzle now?" I begged him, giving him my best puppy dog eyes, still in the embrace.
"Ok" He said while laughing.
"Yay!" I screamed as I planted a kiss on his cheeks. Causing him to laugh even more.
I attempted to get up, but was then pulled back down by Logan.
"What ya doing?" I asked still giddy.
"I find comfort when you sit with me." He told me shyly.
"More like sitting on you." Roman mumbled."

Logan's POV

I couldnt believe I pulled him down! I was eternal screaming at myself.
I had such strong feelings for him, but I didn't need to express it so much. I felt so stupid. Why would I do that.
"It's okay Logi, I find comfort from just sitting in the same room with you, so I don't mind." He smiled at me. I loved him so much. I gave him a smile.
"Let's start the puzzle." He said turning around, still in my lap, but facing the floor where we started the puzzle.

I heard Virgil and Roman whispering on the couch, and they had been doing that for some time now, and then I snapped.
"So instead of staring, whispering, and snickering, on the couch over there, why don't you tell us about your relationship?" I asked the two on the couch who I could here.
"Uh..." Virgil started.
"We are just friends...for now." Roman mumbled the last part.
"For now?" Virgil questioned him.
"Why do you always here me when I don't want you to?" Roman asked him kind of playfully, but also quite flustered.
"I don't know. But what do you mean?" He asked.
"Well, I may have feelings for you." Roman told him. Virgil didn't respond with words, but with a kiss.
"Ok break it up, there is an innocent child over here." I said covering Patton's eyes. He laughed and then turned around, each of his legs around my hips.
"Im not as innocent as you think." He told me, as he then pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked, and it took me a minute to comprehend what was happening, but as soon as I did I kissed back immediately. Tilting my head slightly, and pulling him closer to me. Then we were interrupted by them.
"Break it up" Roman told us, smirking.
"Why would you do that, I was enjoying the kiss!" I screamed at him. Causing everyone to laugh at me.
"Logan, you're so cute." Patton said as he kissed me again, but this kiss was too short for me.
"No I'm not, I'm sophisticated." I pouted. And then pulled him into a hug.
"What ever you say." Patton told me.
And we all four had a wonderful day after that.

I'm sorry but I didn't know how to end that. Is it too cheesy?

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