Chapter 60

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Virgil's POV

"Patton!" I called out. I had fallen asleep, and I apparently was cuddling Roman, and Patton just sent me a picture of it! I love him, but he could be so annoying from time to time.

"Patton's not in here." Logan said as I opened his door.

"Then where is he?" I asked him.

"I can't answer that." Logan told me.

"Why is that." I placed a hand on my hip.

"Because Patton told me not to give him away, and you know very well Im not going to lie, so Im not going to say anything." Logan hadn't looked up at me, instead he just stared at his book.

"Fine." I closed his door. I had already checked Patton's room, he wasn't in there. The last room was Roman's and considering I saw him on the couch last, he shouldn't be in here. 

"Patton are you in here?" I heard a giggle, I closed my eyes and looked towards the ceiling, I ran my hands through my hair in sighed.

"Patton, you know how much I like him, why would you tease me like that." I re-ran my hands through my hair.

"I can't even believe that I fell asleep like that, and I know I shouldn't have, and he probably doesn't even like me back, but a boy can dream. He's so cute and hot at the same time! And I wish I could tell him, but you know how much of a freaking chicken I am." I sighed once more, and walked over to where I heard the giggle come from, and hugged him, and he hugged me back. I heard another giggle, but this time there were two people giggling. I quickly opened my eyes and looked up, and I noticed that I was hugging Roman, he had a giant smirk on his face. I pushed back from him, my hands rested on his chest. I looked over to the end of the bed and saw Patton giggling. I leaned my head on Roman.

"End me now." I mumbled into his chest.

"Now why would we do that kiddo?" I didn't respond. I just wanted to crawl into a hole and slowly die. I then realized that Roman was still hugging me, so I pushed myself back up and looked at him. His bright, beautiful smile was showing, an he had a sparkle in his gorgeous eyes. 

"Why are you smiling? Why are you still hugging me? How do you not despise me by now?" I asked him generally confused.

"You're adorable." He kissed my nose causing me to go completely red.

"W-what?" I asked him, I didn't know what was happening.

"You heard me. How can I despise you when I love you apparently just as much as you love me." Roman kissed my lips this time, and I of course kissed back, but I was so confuse, why does he like me. Im like, a piece of trash compared to him.

We backed away from each other, and I just stared at him in shock like a clueless moron.

"Are you alright?" He asked me with another giggle. I tried to say something but I couldn't. He likes me back. I turned to Patton who was still staring at us, his hands were covering his mouth probably to stop himself from squealing.

"I..." I tried to say something but again I couldn't, so I just laid my head on Roman's shoulder.

"I love you." I said quietly.

"I love you too." Roman laughed. He pulled me into his lap so I was no longer standing. Why do I have to be so stupid, just talk you idiot. 

"Are you okay?" Roman asked me again.

"Im fine. Really, Im just so confused, how does something just work out like this?" I asked him. 

"Because it's a story, and we're just characters, and we follow the story line. Much like we follow a script in our series." Patton said in all seriousness.

"What?" Roman and I asked in unison.

"Nothing, ignore me. Im going to see what Logan's doing." Patton smiled and waved good bye as he left Roman's room.

"What was that about?" I asked Roman.

"Im not sure." Roman told me.

I ended up falling asleep, in Roman's arms, which is embarrassing. And this was the second time, but I wasn't in his lap last time.


When I woke up, it was already the next morning. I was laying next to Roman, under his covers, and he had an arm wrapped around me. He was playing with my hair with his other hand.

"You finally woke up." Roman sounded like he had just woken up himself.

"What time is it?" I asked him, closing my eyes again.

"Nine in the morning, Patton already made breakfast and he's downstairs with his boyfriend~" Roman said playfully, they haven't started dating yet. Yet.

"I guess we should go get food then." I yawned and stretched a little, but was still in his embrace so I couldn't move much.

"You can let me go now." I told him. We both laughed before he actually let me go.

"Sorry, you're just like a teddy bear, so huggable." He laughed once more, and then kissed my forehead. We walked downstairs and saw Logan kissing Patton, who was sitting on the counter.

"I knew this would happen sooner or later." I said out loud, to get their attention. Logan stopped kissing him and looked in our direction.

"It's not what it looks like!" Patton said.

"Sure." Roman walked into the kitchen and made himself a bowl of oatmeal that Patton had prepared.

"It isn't." Logan said again.

"Oh yeah. Then tell us what happened." I told them also grabbing some food.

"I was sitting on the counter, and calling Logan cute..." Patton started.

"And I told him to stop, and he didn't so I kissed him to make him stop, and it may have gone on longer than intended." Logan explained. 

"You two were kissing too, so I don't want to hear it." Patton defended himself.

"You two finally kissed?" Logan asked us, a teasing smirk on his face.

"Okay, we can change the subject now." I sunk down into my hoodie to hide from everyone.

"Now you know how it feels." Patton pouted. He hopped up off the counter, almost falling on his face but he quickly caught himself.

"Are you alright?" Logan asked him, but Patton got completely embarrassed and his face turned red.

"Y-yeah." Patton was always the clumsy one, and he expressed how much he hated how clumsy he was, but he couldn't ever control it. 

"No need to be embarrassed." Logan lifted up his chin and kissed him. I looked over at Roman. I was a little jealous because I wanted love and affection as well.

"What's wrong?" Roman asked me. He stood up from his chair and placed both hands on my face, he examined me, our eyes locked for a second before he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" Roman asked me, my face went red, just like Patton's.

"Maybe." I tried to hide my face, but I couldn't. He closed the gap between us, our lips connecting and it was amazing.


I know I should have published this yesterday, sorry I didn't. Please forgive me.

Also, didn't know what to call it. 

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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