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Logan's POV

I didn't want to hurt him.  I didn't want to hurt him in the slightest. 

I had broken up with Virgil. I had fallen in love with another and I felt too guiltly being with him. I felt too guiltly 'leading him on' he deserved better than that. Than me...

I did love him. Virgil was precious to me. I still love him. But I loved Patton more and it was killing me. Mentally killing me. Physically killing me. I was dying, slowly. Inside and out. I was dying. My conscious eating away at my heart and my stomach, I haven't eaten in weeks. I've had five panic attacks in the past two weeks! I couldn't take this, I couldn't keep hurting the both of us...

So I became distant. And I texted him. Trying to be vauge, but not to vauge. Hinting at the fact that I wanted to break up with him, yet still be friends, and I hoped not to hurt him.

So I texted him vaguely, walked the halls faster than before, trying my best to avoid him, thinking he needed space becasue he'd clearly hate me for weeks. Months. I wouldn't be surprised if he never wanted to speak to me again. I was a terrible person. He didn't deserve this.

We had been dating for 3 months. So close to being 4. But I couldn't hold out that long. I needed to get away from this guilt. I needed to get out of this relationship for my own selfish need to want to be happy. 

Then he called me out for it. He texted me one night, while I was sitting in the common room on the couch while he was laying in his bed trying to fall asleep but deep down I know he was over thinking everything, and he was questioning our relationship.

SO I got a text that night. From him. That killed me, pushing the dying process that had already started weeks ago.

Muffin is typing...

I got teary eyed as I saw that name pop up. But I also couldn't help but chuckle. I had changed his name to that becasue of the muffin song that he showed to me.. The song about the muffin happily asking to die? Yeah, that one.

Are you breaking up with me?

He asked that one question, and it was such a simple answer to it. And I didn't want to answer it. I didn't want to hurt him.

I just want a simple yes or no answer.

I ran to my room crying. I paced back and forth, thinking of an answer. I mumbled everything I could tell him as I walked to my desk and back to my locked door. I ran my and through my hair, messing up the style I spent the first 30 minutes of my morning doing,

...Yes, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you, Im sorry, I'm sorry

Was my answer...

I felt awful. I fell to my knees crying. I felt so awful doing this to him.

It's okay, as long as you're happy. You deserve the world, and if this isn't the right thing right now then it isn't the right thing. Happiness and love needs to be on both sides of the relationship. And although you may still love me, and I still love you, maybe it's your mental state. I know your probably already stressing. I love you

I didn't answer anymore that night. I don't remebering sending anything else, but when I checked in the morning we had at least a two hour converstaion. The topic had changed completely. Virgil seemed happy. That made me happy. Maybe in a month, I'll ask out Patton. The little sunshine that stole my love from Virgil...


3rd Person POV

That night, after Logan went to sleep around two in the morning. Virgil broke down, no longer having to keep Logan calm and collected and to get him to top apologizing. Virgil was alone. Alone in his dark room. His bright phone in his hands as tears slowly stated falling, the first few landing on the screen of his phone. He looked over to his dresser, a little book hiding in the bottom drawer that he had written in since the first day of their relationship.

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