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Virgil woke up feeling incredibly queasy one morning. He felt as if he could die. He might die. He rolled over in his bed, noticing the terrible throbbing in his head. Everything seemed so bright when he opened his eyes, and his room was almost pitch black. He tried to sit up but he felt heavy, like something was sitting up his chest and forcing him down. He was also freezing from underneath his blanket, but he was burning up as well. 

He slowly got out of his bed, he could tell he was about to fall over, he tried his best to make his way into his bathroom, once in there, he sat on the floor, the floor tile felt cold against his skin and it made him feel better. He groggily reached up for the thermometer and put it under his tongue. He let it rest there for a moment or two, when it beeped he looked at the number. 
"104..." It mumbled to himself, the next thing he knew he was hovering over the toilet, last nights dinner was emptied out and he felt disgusting. When Virgil sat up he felt completely out of breath. He flushed the toilet and then brushed his teeth, eventually falling back onto the floor again. 

Virgil needed help, he could hardly do anything right now. If he went to Patton, he would just fuss over him, not give him space, he'd probably also be too loud. If he went to Logan, Logan would just tell Patton...Virgil stood up, almost loosing balance but he held onto the counter or support. Roman was the closest to his room, he could possibly make it there. Roman wouldn't fuss over him and he wouldn't tell Patton if Virgil told him not to. But he would help him. Virgil knew he could always count on Roman, no matter how much they argued, they'd always be there for one another. 

Virgil trudged over to his bedroom door, resting on the door frame before he opened his door, slowly closing the door behind him, he leaned back against the door, he had a pounding headache, it was so bright.  He realized that he was starving and his throat was incredibly parched. 
Virgil quickly walked the few feet to Roman's door, not wanting to be caught by the other two. As soon as he made it to Roman's door, he fell against it with a small thump. He rose up his shakey hand and knocked a few times. Not very loudly, but he still managed to knock. He rested his head against the door. Roman opened the door, quite fast too. Virgil was forced to stand up straight, the sudden movement caused him more pain, he ended up passing out and landing on Roman, who caught him easily.

Roman had just gotten out of the shower, he was only wearing his white skinny jeans. His hair was wet and he was shirtless. Roman picked Virgil up, bridal style, not aware of what was wrong. He closed his door and made his way to his bed, as he walked he felt Virgil's warm breath on his chest. He felt odd, almost awkward as he carried Virgil to his bed. Right before Roman set him down, Virgil woke up. He was too exhausted to care that Roman was holding him, so instead he wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders. 

"Virgil? Are you alright?" Roman asked him. Virgil stayed quiet, leaving his eyes shut to block out the light. "Virge?" 
"Hmm?" Roman set Virgil down on his bed, much to Virgil's disliking. Roman shut off his lights, making it easier for Virgil to see. 
"What's wrong?"
"I have a fever..." Virgil said softly, Roman could hear the raspiness in Virgil's voice.
"I'll be right back." Roman told him before leaving his room. He walked into the kitchen, cooking ramen for himself and Virgil. After making two bowls of ramen, he grabbed a cup of water for Virgil, making sure to grab a metal straw for Virgil. (save them turtles people) Roman made his way back to his room. Opening the door to find Virgil peacefully laying down on Roman's bed. He had managed to wrap himself under the covers, Roman smiled fondly, this wasn't the first time Virgil slept in his bed, he always managed to fall asleep during a movie and Roman never wanted to disturb Virgil. 

Roman placed the bowls and the cup on his bedside table. He ran his hand through Virgil's hair, noticing how Virgil leaned into his touch. "Virgil, dearest, sit up for me please?" Virgil groaned, hiding his face in the pillows. Roman sighed, he grabbed Virgil's hands, slowly pulling him up into a sitting position. He kept his eyes slightly opened as he looked up at Roman, not very keen on the idea of doing anything other than sleeping. 

"Here, I brought you some food and something to drink." Virgil leaned against the headboard, letting his eyes fall shut as he listened to Roman talk. Roman held the cup and straw to Virgil's lips, letting him take a sip before he pulled the cup away. Virgil let out a cough, covering his mouth so he wouldn't cough on Roman's face.
"T-thank you." Virgil spoke un a hoarse voice, but still showed his appreciation. 

"You're welcome." Roman placed the cup down, he sat on the bed in front of Virgil. He picked up Virgil's bowl, holding a forkful of noodles. Virgil lazily opened his mouth, letting Roman feed him. 
"My everything huuuurts." Virgil complained.
"I know, baby. I know." Roman didn't think before he spoke, not realizing that he had called Virgil 'baby'. Virgil didn't mind too much though, he was kinda out of it and the name put a smile on his face.

After the two finished their meals, they put a movie on. Virgil was snuggled up to Roman, who still hadn't put a shirt on as he was too focused on Virgil. Roman had an arm around Virgil's waist, holding him close. Eventually the two fell asleep.


"Roman." Virgil tried to wake Roman, he had woken up in the middle of the night and he had no idea how he had gotten into Roman's bed. It would have been fine with him if he could have remembered how he ended up here and why Roman was shirtless. 

"Roman." Virgil tried again, he sat up and shook Roman again. Roman groaned, turning towards Virgil and laying his arm across Virgil's hip, pulling him into a cuddling position. Virgil's face flashed red, he tried to move Roman's arm off of him but he failed being a bit weak from the slight fever. "Roman...move." Virgil still couldn't get his arm off of him.

"Shh, go back to sleep." Roman mumbled, pulling Virgil closer to him. "Roman, Roman I-" Roman shushed him, putting his hand over Virgil's mouth. "Shh, go to sleep, kitten." Roman continued to mumbled as Virgil became beet red. 

Virgil nodded, which made Roman content enough to remove his hand. Virgil laid back down, nuzzling against Roman's chest, hiding his extremely red face. 


~Have An Amazing Day!!

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