Help Wanted

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Do you ever get so attached to someone that you feel incomplete without them? Like you can't live without them? And if you don't see them at least a day you might (or will cry)?

Yeah, me too.

I'm in love, with one of the most amazing girls on the planet, scratch that, I'm in love with one of the most amazing a girls from a different planet, because she's simply out of this world. She can make my day in the middle of the night and her smile is way brighter than the sun. Her eyes twinkle unlike any star you've ever seen and her freckles are just adorable. 
She's the cutest girl I've ever met and to put it simply; I'm in love. Like mentioned earlier. This amazing girl can make my heart flutter with just a simple text. She takes all my uwu's whenever she's around and I absolutely fall in love all over again whenever she cuddles me. She's literally my Minecraft girlfriend. Our Minecraft beds, are in fact, right next to each other. 
And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Dotty here, this Saturday (September 7th) marks the 5th month that I've been in a relationship with one of the most stellar gals alive. I wanted to do something special for her. Like super duper special. And so my little mind as come up with a plan and I need the help of some of my amazing readers ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

So, with that being said, if anyone as an instagram, please dm me on wattled and I will put together a group chat as soon as I have enough people to help me. 
Anyone who does help me, will get some sort of reward of something, like a special 5k word chapter with a ship of your choosing or something like that. 

So, hit me up and I'll discuss my plan...? 

I just want her to know how much I love her, and you would all be doing me such a big favor if you could help me.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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