My Fault

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T.W: Physical Abuse


"Deceit, please! I said I was sorry, I'm sorry!" Virgil grabbed onto Deceit's arm. Deceit's eyes were glowing in the dark room, it was clear that he furious. 
"Sorry? You're sorry? You were half an hour late! I told you to be here by four!" Deceit snatched his arm away and glared down at Virgil. 
"What took you so long?" 

"I-I got caught up. The others were watching a movie and I had fallen asleep and once I was awake I realized I was late and I ran to my room to get dressed and then I couldn't find my hoodie and I-"
"Stop giving me excuses!" It all happened in a flash for Virgil, his face suddenly stung and he could feel the heat radiating from the handprint on his cheek. That would definitely bruise. 
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."
"Yeah, it better not fucking happen again." Deceit shoved Virgil against the wall, Virgil's eyes dilated but not from love. It was pure fear.


"Hey Pat, have you seen Virgil? He left his hoodie in my room and he disappeared after the movie." Roman walked into the common room, Logan and Patton were working on another script for Thomas. 
"Uh, yeah. I think he went to see Deceit." Patton kept his eyes on the laptop in front of him. He was typing away and so was Logan. 

"Do you know when he'll be back?" Roman sat down on the opposite couch, holding the hoodie in his hand. 
"No idea, Kiddo. Sorry." 

It had been about an hour before Virgil came from the direction of the dark sides hallway. Roman's eyes caught Virgil but no one else noticed him. Roman stood up, bidding a quick goodbye and then followed Virgil. 

"Hey, Virge-"
"Leave me alone, Roman." Virgil's voice sounded strained. Roman looked at him curiously, continuing to follow him. 
"Hey, hold on." Roman pushed his door open further before Virgil could shut him out. He stepped inside Virgil's room and closed the door behind him. He turned on the light which made Virgil turn around, almost furious with Roman. 

"Virgil..." Roman gasped, a hand covering his mouth as he looked at the bruise covering Virgil's face. His neck was covered in purple and blue bruises. His wrist were red and slightly purple, it looked as if someone had been holding his wrist with too much force. His eyes were red and puffy from tears and his bottom lip was bleeding, dry blood on his chin. 

"What Princey?" Virgil snapped, he was in a bad mood and it was understandable with the condition he was in. Roman gently grabbed Virgil's hand in pulled him into the bathroom. He turned Virgil towards the mirror and made him look at himself. 
"What the hell happened to you?" Virgil's eyes widened, his hand reaching up and lightly touching his cheek, flinching when he felt the sting of his own touch. 

"Didn't you just come from Deceit's?" Roman asked, his voice timid, not wanting to jump to any conclusions.
"What are you assuming, Roman?!" Virgil turned around and backed Roman into the wall, he stared up at Roman, becoming defensive.
"You have no place to assume that Deceit hit me!" Virgil poked at Roman's chest.

"I never said he did." Roman spoke cautiously. Putting a hand on Virgil's shoulder as he noticed the fear that was evident in his eyes. 

"Roman he didn't hit me, I swear!" When Roman didn't say anything, Virgil continued. "I deserved it, okay! I was late! I'm always late! It was my fault! I'm used to it anyways, I should've known better..." Virgil looked down, his hands were balled into fist and he was trying to keep his tears at bay. 

"Virgil, no one deserves to be-"
"I deserved it!" Virgil protested. Roman's eyes softened. He took the jacket in his hands and placed it around Virgil's shoulders, knowing that the piece of clothing gave him comfort. 
"You didn't deserve it." Roman reached his hand up and pushed a loose strand of hair behind Virgil's ear. His hand was pulled back after he noticed Virgil flinch from his touch. 

"Hey, Virge?" Virgil's door opened and Deceit walked in.
"Hey, I wanted to apologize-" Deceit stopped in front of the bathroom door, he scowled as he walked forward, grabbing Roman by the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the wall. 

"Roman!" Virgil yelled, trying to pull Deceit's arm away from Roman.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Deceit spat, glaring at Roman who didn't seem to be affected in the slightest. 
"I was returning Virgil's jacket. Stop being so damn possessive." Roman shoved Deceit back, glancing down at Virgil, making sure he was okay, then looking back over to Deceit.
"Don't tell me what to do." His voice was laced with anger.

"Deceit, leave him alone..." Virgil's voice came out small, Deceit snapped his head in the direction of Virgil, his anger only increasing. 
"You don't tell me what do either." Deceit's hand came up fast and Virgil ended up on the floor even faster. 

Roman's eyes widened. He kneeled down on the floor and tried to pull Virgil up. Deceit kicked Virgil's leg, scoffing at how dramatic his boyfriend was being. 
"Get the fuck up, Virgil." 
"Get out, Deceit." Roman looked up, standing back up and walking forwards, making Deceit take a few steps back. 
"Get the fuck out!" Roman shoved him, slamming the door shut in Deceit's face and locking it. 

Roman looked down, kneeling back down and lifting Virgil up to be in a sitting position. 
"Hey, Virge, it's okay. Let me see your face, okay?" Virgil's responding but his words were much too distorted from his sobs. 

Roman wasn't exactly sure what to do. He helped Virgil stand up and sat him on the counter. He tried his best to look at the damage that Deceit had done but Virgil's hands were practically glued to his face, he was trying his best to stop his tears but he couldn't. 

"Fucking crybaby." Could be heard through the door as Deceit walked out, the door to Virgil's room was slammed shut.
Roman opened the door, the room was now to empty. Virgil looked up and noticed the rag in Roman's hand. It was slightly damp. Roman gently touched Virgil's chin, tilting his head up so he could get a better look at his face. 

"He's not going to hurt you again." Roman dabbed the rag onto Virgil's lip, wiping away the dried up blood .
"Roman, I love him." Virgil put his hand on Roman's wrist, stopping his actions. 
"I know...I know, Virgil. But this isn't right." Roman's eyes couldn't help but spot the bruises on Virgil's wrist. He looked like he had been restrained. 
"Virgil...has Deceit done anything worse than hit you?" 
"...No, no he hasn't. And he doesn't hit me that hard, I swear. I swear he loves me." 
"He shouldn't be hitting you at all." 
"He loves me."
"He's hurting you."
"He loves me."
"He loves me!"
"Virgil. Stop."
"Roman, I swear he loves me! He loves me!" 
"But do you love him?"
"He loves me, Roman. That's all that matters. He loves me." 
"Do you love him, Virgil?"

The room went silent, Virgil's eyes were focussed on his own wrist. He finally took notice of the bruises on his arms. He glanced up, Roman's face looked just as serious as he voice had sounded. 

"He loves me..."

"We all love you, Virgil."

"He loves me."

Virgil went quiet. He was lost in thought. 
"He loves me..." Virgil repeated. "Right?" 

"I'm sure he does. But it's not in a healthy way."

Virgil looked up at Roman, his eyes were glassed over and his mouth was slightly opened. He didn't know what to say.

"He loves me.."


Just a heads up, I'm rewriting a lot of the earlier chapters, because, let's be honest, they're cringe. Currently I only have the 2nd and 3rd chapter rewritten, but I'll get to the rest eventually. 

That being said, it might take a bit longer to get newer chapters out, but every time a new is let out, I'll let you know how many have been rewritten. 

~Happy Quarantine!!
~Have An Amazing Day!!

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