My R

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Virgil's POV

I was up on the rooftop about to take my shoes off, I saw a boy with cute short hair. 

"Hey! Don't do it please." I scream. 

Wait a minute, why did I just say that, I couldn't care less either way. To be honest I was somewhat mad, this was my opportunity missed.

The boy with cute short hair told me all his woes.


Roman's POV

Thomas had been in a relationship for two years now, his name was Bill, and I knew for a fact that Thomas loved him. As Thomas walked up to him at the park, he had told Thomas that he had something important to tell me.

"Hey Bill, what's up?" Thomas asked, going in for a hug, but he suddenly stuck out his hand and stopped me/him.

"Im not into you anymore. Actually I have never been into you. In fact I've been cheating on you, and he is so much better than you in everyday way. We're done!"  My ego was bruised for weeks, and Thomas wasn't any better.


"You've probably heard it all before...I really thought that he was the one, but then he told me he was done." I looked at him in disbelief, I was mad at him.

"For God's Sake, please! Are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me!" I started pulling at my hair. And then felt two arms wrap around me.

"Are you upset because you can't have what you wanted? You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!" I buried my face in his shoulder letting him comfort me. A minute later I was soon let go.

"Im feeling better, thank you for listening." 

The boy with cute short hair then disappeared.


"Alright today's the day." I told myself, or so I thought. 

I walked up to the rooftop once again, and just as I took both my shoes off, there was a boy short as can be. Despite myself I go and scream:

The petite boy told me all his woes. 

"You've probably heard it all before, everyone ignores me, everyone steals, I don't fit in with anyone here." This boy had thick glasses and a neck tie, and I was also just as upset with him, as I had been with Roman.

"For God's Sake, please! Are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me! Cause even you're still loved by everyone at home, there's always dinner waiting on the table, you know!" The boy shed a tear and adjusted his tie.


Logan's POV

I walked out of my room after a long day's of work. And I wasn't even finished yet. I was greeted by a smiling Patton, and a happy Roman. Virgil had a smirk on his face, he probably just called Roman something witty.

Dinner was sat out on the table.

"Thank you Patton." I kissed his cheek, and then we all started eating.


"Im hungry." He shed a few more tears. The boy, short as can be then disappeared.


I went back there everyday, to be greeted with another person. I listened to their tale, I made them turn away.


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