Logan's Excuses

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Patton had noticed that the past few days Logan hasn't been out of his room. And he has had the weirdest excuses. The only reasons he comes out is for a video, and even then he limits how much he talks. Patton felt something was off, and he wanted to help but didn't know how.

"Hey Kiddo? Have you noticed anything different about Logan?" Patton asked his dark strange son.

"Umm...Now that you mention it he has been a bit off lately. When was the last time he came with us for a movie night?" Virgil asked him, while he thought.

"Well, it's been a while. He even uses the most weirdest excuses for why he doesn't come."


~The Last Movie Night~

"Hey Logan?" Patton knocked on Logan's door. 

"Yes?" Logan slightly opened his door and poked out his head.

"Wanna join us for a Disney movie?" Logan thought about it for a minute.

"Sorry but Im busy. I have to work on my...umm...I have to finish writing something. Its a lot of work, and I don't want to get behind.


Patton's POV

I didn't like this, I missed hanging out with my crush. Best friend. I missed hanging out with my best friend. 

I wanted to keep track of his excuses. So:


And I hate that something could be wrong with him, he could be mentally hurt. He could be over working and not eating right, or sleeping enough. I decided that I was going to do my best to get him to come out, no matter how long it takes, I will get him back to normal.


I had just finished making dinner. Roman and Virgil had come down when I called for them, but Logan didn't even tell me he wasn't coming.

"Im goin to check on Logan." I informed the others. They didn't seem to care as they were off in their own little world.


I knocked on Logan's door with my free hand. My other hand was occupied with holding a plate full of food for him, incase he refused to come out. 

"Logan?" I waited for him to answer. And when he finally did, his hair was a complete mess, it looked like he kept running his hand through his hair. His tie was hanging loosely around his neck. And his shirt was all wrinkled up.

"Are you okay Logan?" I asked him. I didn't like seeing him like this, it made me sad to see him like this. 

"Yes I am perfectly fine Patton." I smiled at him.

"Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to come and eat dinner with us. If not you don't want to, I brought you a plate. Just in case." I offered him. 

"I'll eat in here thank you. Im currently doing some research on a project." He told me another excuse. But as long as he ate.




What could he been doing. I thought to myself.


"Just please make sure you eat something. Please?" I asked him.

"Of course I will Patton." He chuckled at me.

"Okay, thank you. I hope you are feeling well." And with that I left, to go back into the kitchen.

"Good night, Patton." He whispered out towards me.

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