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Dear Roman, 

What happened to us? We used to hate each other. Almost like a Keith and Lance sorta thing. A fake rivalry...
And then you confessed to me, the same day I had planned on confessing to you. I love you, always have always will. I'm sorry for all of our arguments, I'm sorry for ever being annoying, I'm sorry for putting you through all of my panic attacks and all of my crying and all of my clinginess...I'm just sorry.

You deserve so much better than this mess of a person. You deserve to have someone that makes you just as happy as you make them, and let's be honest, I've never made you that happy. I've never been good enough or felt good enough to be with an amazing person as you. You're amazing and talented and beautiful and I love you. So much. You're stunning. I'm so grateful to you. I'm happy for you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for putting up with me, thank you for loving me, thank you for getting to know me and for accepting me. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most.
I'll be there for you, in spirit. After today I won't be their physically. I won't even be there. I'll be gone. I'm not running away; I'm not that pathetic. No, I'm just so dramatic that I don't think I can live with myself anymore. I'm being even more dramatic than any theater kid and I'm questioning, no I'm gonna do it, I'm not questioning this anymore. I'm gonna say goodbye, forever.
And so I'm leaving this suicide say goodbye to you


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