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Patton was sitting in his room. Just sitting on his bed, staring at nothing in particular as thoughts filed through his head. He could have been sitting in his room for, perhaps a few hours now. The other sides haven't seen him since breakfast and no one had questioned where he had gone. 

Patton's cardigan wasn't draped across his shoulders, but actually on him, covering his scar covered arms. His hair falling over and hiding his red and puffy eyes. His door was locked and he wasn't feeling happy, like everyone expected him to be. 

A quick knock to his door snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at his light blue door and the white, fuzzy carpet separating his bed from the door. 

"Patton, the other's and I are going to watch a movie. Would you care to join us?" Logan knocked on the thin piece of wood, yet received no answer.
"Patton?" The doorknob moved, but Logan quickly understood that it was locked. 

Patton continued to stare at the door. It was as if everything he was hearing was muffled.
"Are you alright? Could you please unlock the door?" The doorknob continued to shake as Logan talked.

"I-" Patton spoke very softly, causing Logan to stop everything he was doing. "I'm alright in here..." It was barely audible, but Logan heard him. He heard the amount of distress in his his voice, he could hear the small amount of fear in his voice. He could here the soft sobs.

"Patton, what is wrong?" He received no answer. Patton hear Logan's steps as he walked off, so he allowed himself to release a new rush of tears, he scratched at the scars on his arms, the healed and the fresh wounds. He silently shook as he let his emotions envelope him.

The doorknob moved once more and then his door was opened, and there stood Logan with a bobby pin in his hand. "Oh dear...Patton, what's the matter?" Logan walked in, setting the bobby pin on Patton's dresser that stood next to the door, walking closer to Patton's bed, closer to Patton. Patton looked up at Logan, one of his hands stopped, scratching at his arm, the other stopped at his cheek as he wiped away a few tears.

"Would...would physical affection make you feel any better?" Logan held out his arms, initiating a hug, Patton nodded slowly, leaning into Logan's touch as he wrapped his arms around the sobbing boy. 

"Hey, Nerd! What's taking so long?" Roman made his appearance, and immediately made eye contact with Logan. Logan's eyes were wide, he had no idea what he was supposed to do in this type of situation.

"Logan, what did you do?!" Roman walked the few steps between himself and the other two.  

"I didn't do anything, I picked the lock and I found him like this. What am I supposed to do?!" Patton's sobs got louder as he heard the two talking about him. 

"Here, let go of him-" Patton quickly wrapped his arms around Logan's waist, keeping him close. If Patton wasn't being hugged, if he was alone he would have been a lot worse. 

"I-I can't. I can't." Logan stayed where he was, his arms around the small boy. "Well...I don't know what to do! What can we do? Virgil!" Roman called out as Virgil appeared next.

"What do we do?? Patton got frightened when Logan tried to back up, and I hate seeing him suffer! What do we-" Virgil cut him off, shooing him and telling him to quiet down.

"It's alright. Do you guys know what set him off?" Virgil looked at the father figure, running his hand through the soft and slightly curly hair. 

"No, he was like this when I walked in." Logan looked terrified, and Virgil understood that. 

"Logan, sing something." Virgil told him. But he didn't know what to sing. "What should I sing?" 

"Literally anything." 

"Black, white, green or blue...Show off your natural hue...?" Logan said sang softly. 
"Flamingos. Oh-o-o-o. If your multicolored that's cool too." 

"Really?" Roman smirked at the nerd. "A tik tok meme?" Logan's face flushed a light shade of pink. The three noticed the silence in the room.

"Keep singing. Or say some other meme." 

"I'm going to take my horse to the old town road, I'm going to ride until I can't any more? Is that how it goes?" Logan looked over to the other two who were trying their dang hardest to not laugh. 

"Sure. Yeah, that's how it goes." Virgil nodded. 

"What's another meme song?" Roman asked, but no one answered. 

"Y-you don't have to." Patton spoke softly. 
"Are you sure?" Logan asked, sitting on the bed next to Patton. 

"Y-yes. We can watch t-the movie if you want to. I-I'm fine." 
"Suuure." Virgil didn't believe him one bit as he sat on the floor, criss-cross-apple-sause in front of Patton and Logan. 

"Do you feel comfortable with telling us?" Virgil asked, making direct eye contact with Patton. 

"I d-don't know what happened." Patton looked down at his fingers, playing with his sweater paws that his cardigan gave him.

"That's alright. It's okay, that happens to me all the time." Virgil placed his hand on Patton's knee.

"I-I'm still sorry." 

"Don't be." Logan told him.

"yeah, you can't help it." Roman told him, putting his hand on Patton's shoulder. 

"We can go watch that movie now?" Patton offered, wiping away the tear stains on his face. 

"Only if you want to." 

And so they did. They all sat on one couch. Patton in between Logan, who had an arm around Patton's shoulder, and Virgil. Virgil was snuggled up next to Patton but also snuggled against Roman.  The four were watching 'The Little Mermaid'.

Logan could only think about what had happened to Patton if there was anything wrong with him to begin with. 


I don't know how to end this, I don't even know what this was. Tell me if you want a chapter about what happed to Patton...I don't know.

Also, feel free to leave suggestions. I may or may not do something with Remus, I may or may not write another ship, I don't know. I've been in a tik tok making mood, and so I've been spamming my account with cringe videos. So I apologize for not writing that often.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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