Adorable (Bc Idk)

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Patton was being his adorable self and sitting on the table in his ALA class, he loved being in this class, even if it was the last thirty minutes of the day, aka advocate. He was on a desk, his short legs dangling over the side and swinging back and forth. He had a goofy grin across his face as he talked to the teacher herself, Mrs.F and his three best friends. Roman, Virgil and Logan. He was most fond of Logan, he found something about him so amazing and interesting that he just wanted to spend every second with him, discovering more about him the longer he was near him, and the longer he was near him the bigger his smile got, and the more his cheeks flushed, and the more he would zone everything and everyone out just so he could listen to him talk. He was head over heals for him, and fell more in love with him everyday.

Logan started talking about logical fallacies from a recent debate Mrs.F had the class participate in earlier that day. Roman must have been talking, as Patton could see his lips moving, but the only sound Patton could hear was Logan's voice. He loved how smart he was, and how into every subject he was as long as he was learning something or teaching someone about something. 

Logan was looking at Mrs.F, talking to her about everything he had learned. And then Logan made direct eye contact. 

"Patton?" He snapped Patton out of his thoughts. He was no longer staring at him with loving eyes but he was slightly scared and a little embarrassed. His hair fell over his eyes as he snapped up, looking right back at Logan.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to stare..." He was cut off when Logan chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as he looked back at Patton.

"You're perfectly fine." Logan uncrossed his arms, and walked the three feet that were in between us. He placed his finger under my chin and examined Patton's face, causing the smaller boy to blush tremendously.

"W-what are u doing?" Patton asked.

"I'm staring at someone beautiful." Logan said calmly, smiling at Patton. The two boys may already know this, but the three other people in the room were watching, including the teacher.

"But..." Patton was going to reject the compliment but Logan wouldn't let him, instead he walked a little closer and wrapped his arms around Patton's waist.

"Nope. You are perfect just the way you are, and beautiful. Take the compliment." Logan told him, Mrs.F broke into a fit of laughter.

"I'm sorry boys, but you're just too cute, it's adorable." She apologized.

"The moment is crushed, shattered, gone!" Roman said dramaticly, placing his hand on his forehead and falling against the wall.

"Falsehood." Logan said right before kissing the very flustered boy.

"Oh my Irene." The teacher said.

"I mean, there was no consent or anything." She said turning towards Roman.

"Mrs.F, they're dating, and have been for a few months acually." Virgil told the teacher.

"No they aren't. I would have seen it." She said turning back to the boys. Logan had pulled away and was now looking at Mrs.F, as was Patton.

"Are you two dating?" She asked pointing at the two. Patton's face never stopped blushing. But Logan could help but laugh. He wrapped an arm around Patton, as Pattin laid his head on Logan's chest.

"Yes Mrs.F  we're dating." Logan said, patting his boyfriend on the back.

"Well, I thought it was just those two, now we have to celebrate. Let's have a discussion in class tomorrow about the LGTBQ+ community, everyone loves that subject, especially our class." Mrs.F said, embarrassing the other two.

"We totally should!" Patton said, he was now happier and less embarrassed. It was one of Patton's favorite subjects to talk about so he thought this was going to be fun.

"It's decided then." Mrs.F said writing something down on a sticky note.


And she kept to her promise, the next day they had a while discussion about it, and it turns out the majority of the class was apart of that community. Everyone was listing pros to it left and right and it was amazing, everyone,  well most people (Virgil didn't) come out to the whole class.


Sorry it took soooo long, Imma have to post an update about what's going on with me, but it deserves it's own chapter because it's too much to put in the authors note.

Starting a new thing: Question of the day: If you were reincarnated, what would you be and why?

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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