Im Not Always the Bad Guy

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It was an ordinary day, Roman and Virgil were bickering and Logan was sitting on the couch reading a book. Patton was sitting there, listening to the two arguing to know when he had to intervene.

Lately the three had been acting a lot more childish. And Patton had to go more into Dad mode, which he didn't always like to do.

"Well maybe if you weren't so...!" Roman started but then Patton stepped in, he immediately stood up from where he was sitting.

"Roman! Don't even think about finishing that statement." Patton said in his Dad voice.

"But..." Roman tried to argue, which he shouldn't have.

"But nothing. I don't understand why you two insist on arguing so much, but you know to not go that far. Now apologize." Patton scolded him.

"...'m sorry." Roman quietly said.

"What was that?" Patton asked him.

"Im sorry! Okay? Im going to my room." And then Roman stormed off.

Patton sat back down and sighed.


A while later Roman had come out of his room, he was getting lonely, so he had no other choice.

"Im sorry." Roman told Virgil when he sat back down.

"It's fine." Virgil leaned onto Roman, he was also growing lonely without Roman around.


The next day it was Logan and Roman. Logan didn't get into arguments often but when he did they got pretty heated, quickly.

"Magic can be real if you want to believe it is." Roman started. Logan shot him a glare.

"That makes no sense what so ever." Logan stated.

"And why is that Nerd?" Roman asked him.

"Because magic doesn't have any laws of physics, and it doesn't make sense how saying a bunch of words in a sentence in order to cause a spell to happen." Logan argued.

"Well in Harry Potter it's one word spells." Roman retorted.

"Fine, then saying words, or a word, to cause a spell to happen doesn't make sense!" Logan screamed, and as soon as he did, Patton made his way down the stairs.

"There is also Mary Poppins! She does her own magic her way! And that movie makes perfect sense!"

"Falsehood!! She slowly floats down hundreds of feet to the ground, with a tiny umbrella! No logic!" Logan screamed at him.

"Well who needs logic when it makes you happy?" Roman asked him.

"You do understand that I am the exact embodiment of Logic, yes?" Logan asked him, he didn't yell as loudly as he had before.

"Roman! Again?" Patton asked him.

"What? No Logan was arguing too." Roman pointed a finger at the logical trait.

"Yes, he may have but he wasn't being mean to you, he was just screaming facts. You told him that no body needs him, which we do, Logan." Patton looked over at Logan to make sure he was okay.

"I shall be in my room." Logan stated.

"Roman, be more considerate of what you say." Patton told him softly.

"Ugg! Why are you always against me? I didn't do anything wrong." Roman stormed off again, this time slamming the door. Hearing the slam, and the yelling hurt Patton.

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