My Queen

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"Have you ever felt so in love, that you feel light as if you could float away? Have you ever felt the butterflies in your stomach and the blush that decides to stay on your face whenever you're near this person because they're so amazing and their laugh is just music to your ears? And you can't keep a smile off your face because they're all smiles and laughs and just filled with joy that it makes you feel like you're the happiest person on the earth. And when you're with them, this person, the love of your life! You are the happiest person on earth. Because of them."

Roman had walked into Patton's room, his face flushed red and a drunken smile on his face. He wasn't in his normal attire, instead he wore Virgils old hoodie and a pair of gray sweatpants.

"And whenever your away from this person you feel so excited because you can't stop thinking about seeing them again and being with them, yet upset at the same time because you're not with them. And when you kiss them! Oh my Irene, it's the best feeling in the world, their soft lips touching yours, that connection that only you and him have. And whenever you can make them flustered you feel so accomplished because you get the reward of seeing your true love all embarrassed, but from a good reason, and they're just  beautiful." Roman paced around Patton's room as he talked about his emotions.

"Well aren't you happy" Patton chuckled.

"I love him. Virgil is amazing, and I love him." Roman sat down in the middle of the floor. The soft pastel blue carpet under him. "I'm gonna go find him, and tell him how much I love him." And without hesitation, Roman jumped up and ran out of Patton's room, leaving his door wide open.


Roman quickly knocked on Virgil's door. He had been in there not even ten minutes ago, but he wanted to see him again.

As soon as Virgil had opened his door, Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist and lifted him off the floor. Virgil squeaked and quickly wrapped his arms around Romans neck and his legs around his waist.
"W-what are you doing?" Virgil asked, finally looking down at Roman who had the happiest smile in his face. His cheeks were slightly red and his hair looked just as perfect as ever.

"I'm just giving you affection." Roman chuckled. He placed a kiss to Virgil's cheek. "I love you, I hope you know that" Virgil sighed contently, allowing a smile to rest on his face as well.

"I love you too"

Roman placed a kiss to Virgil's other cheek. "I love you so much." Roman placed yet another kiss to Virgil's face. "I love you lots and lots." Roman littered kisses to Virgil's face before finally placing a love filled kiss to Virgil's lips.

Virgil let out a small laugh at Romans enthusiasm. "I get it! You love me, who wouldn't?" The two chuckled together, enjoying the little moments they had together. "I love you a lot too..." Virgil looked away from Roman, avoiding eye contact as a light shade of red dusted his cheeks and nose. Roman's smile only widened, he was just so happy to be with Virgil.

When he started to walk towards the door, fixed on leaving the room, Virgil quickly looked back at him. "W-what are you doing? D-dont carry me outside of the room...the others could see us" Virgil spoke softly, fear slightly in his voice.

"They already know about us, why do we need to pretend to hide it anymore anyway? I just want everyone to know how much I love you." Roman spoke to him calmly, they were already half way down the hallway and Virgil hadn't even noticed it. That was until they walked into the common room and Logan spoke up.

"So you two finally agreed to come out with your relationship?" Logan stood up, walking besides the others and taking note of Virgil's flushed face. "Im happy for you two. I'll be in Patton's room if needed." Logan walked down the hallway that they just came out of.

"See, I told you everyone already knew." Roman kissed the tip of Virgil's nose. "I love you, my queen."


Hope this makes up for the last chapter.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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