Sit Still

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Patton's fingers tapped on his desk impatiently, he watched his teacher with anticipation as the clock slowly ticked by. He was having a hard time sitting through his math class, but he had always had a hard time.

"Patton." Logan put his hand over Patton's hand, stopping the annoying tapping sound that Logan deemed unnecessary and intolerable.

"Right, sorry Lo." Patton giggled nervously. He and Logan had been desk partners and he felt bad whenever he made noises or fidgeted too much to the point where Logan had to ask him to stop.

"You're fine. But, please. Stop the tapping. The class is almost over."

"I knoooow, but I-"

"can't sit still. I know." Patton sighed, setting his head down as his foot tapped on the ground, the soft sound of the sole of his shoe echoing throughout the classroom and overpowering the sound of the teacher's voice. Logan also sighed, setting the pen down as he looked over at Patton. He took his hand off of Patton's and set it on his thigh, calming his case of the taps as Patton looked up at him with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-"

"Quit apologizing." His tone was sharp and Patton knew better than to continue - he laid his head back down.

"Patton?" His head snapped up, his eyes landing on the teacher, he hadn't been paying attention, instead, he kept his eyes focused on Logan's hand that had remained on his leg. As his eyes concentrated on Logan's tanned skin and black watch that was clearly more expensive than anything Patton owned, he found that he was able to keep still.

"Yes ma'am?" He was frightened, afraid that he had been asked something that he definitely didn't have an answer to.

"Are you feeling well, Patton?" She asked calmly, the rest of the class paid attention to the interaction.

"Yes ma'am, just trying to stay still for longer than a few seconds." She smiled kindly, a few soft giggles spread around the room and some sounds of agreement.

"I see..." She looked up at the clock. It was the last class of the day and they still had thirty minutes left, having already taught math for an hour, the teacher decided the class could be ended early. "Well, if all of you are too restless to sit through the rest of class, then none of you are actually going to take in any information. Feel free to move about, keep your voices down, please." She smiled as the cheers filled the room.

Logan sighed, packing his bag so he wouldn't have to when the class ended.

"I'm sorry, I know you really enjoy learning new things, I didn't mean to end the class-"

"You're fine." He set his bag next to his chair, turning to face Patton as his eyes traced him up and down. Picking up on the way that Patton twirled the bracelets on his wrist and the way he tapped his foot repetitively, even though he was trying not to. He caught the way that his hair fell over his face and was mussed up after the countless of times that Patton ran his hand through it after every sigh that left his mouth. Patton had a terrible time trying to stay still, he didn't know how to do it.


"Mhm?" He turned his head to look at Logan, he propped his head up on his hand and watched Logan as the gears in his head worked.

"Are you free this afternoon? I'd like for you to come over to my house." Patton shot up, not expecting that from his desk partner, they had never been too close and for Logan to invite him to his house felt like a really big step in their friendship.

"I- uh, yeah! Yeah I can come over!" He smiled brightly, brushing his hand through his hair so he could see Logan clearly.

"Good. I'll drive you then. I've noticed that you normally walk home, so after you leave my house, I will also make sure that you are driven home." He pulled a book from his bag and opened it to a bookmarked page.

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