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Roman's POV

I had been invited to a party, like always. Who wouldn't invite the most popular kid in the school to a party? My friend Ethan had invited me, he had basically invited the whole school too. His parents weren't going to be here all weekend and his house was huge, he was an only child and his parents were rich. 

"Roman!" Ethan ran up to me in the very crowded house, people were dancing; by themselves and dancing with others. There were four boys on the couch, each with a girl on their lap and they were passionately making out and it was honestly disgusting.

"Hey Ethan." He was smiling, which was odd for him because he was normally moping around the school. The left side of his face had a burn mark on it from when he was younger, he never wanted to share the story with anyone so he didn't. He said something along the lines of "It's not a memory I want to revisit" or something like that. I never pushed him to tell me.
"Do you want some beer? I got Justin to bring a few cases." He offered, I wasn't too keen on drinking, especially considering I was only 17, and so was everyone else here. But it was loud and I didn't really want to be here, so I took up his offer. He guided me into the kitchen, albeit it was difficult to maneuver through the large crowd of students, he handed me a can of beer. I thanked him for it and then made my way upstairs, hoping that it would be quieter up there. I decided to keep going instead of stopping at the second story and went up to the third. 

I quickly opened the can as I started to hear unwanted noises from the rooms surrounding me. I took a drink and it wasn't too great, it was smooth and a bit fizzy but those were the only good qualities of the beer. I took another drink and then found the stairs. The hallway was a bit dark but not dark enough to not find my way. 

Once I reached the top of the stairs I noticed a boy? leaning against the wall. It could have been a girl with a short haircut. Either way, they were cute. They were very small, maybe 5'5 compared to me, being 6' made them look a lot smaller. When I walked closer to them I could see them better, they had a feminine physique and a cute messy hair cut, their hair was dyed purple but it was faded out and looked a bit like a pink magenta. They also wore a small bit of makeup; eyeshadow under their eyes, and they had eyeliner on.

"Pardon me," I tapped their shoulder, causing them to turn around. They were pale and had a nose ring. Their eyes were a beautiful hazelnut brown and they had freckles on their cheeks and over the bridge of their nose. They were adorable.
"May I ask you for your name, perhaps pronouns?" I asked, putting my hand on the wall and leaning over them.
"I-I...uh...I don't even know you though." Their cheeks started to go pink and their stutter was adorable. 
"That could change, now couldn't it?" I winked, causing them to turn a brighter red.
"..." They hadn't responded, I've never known anyone like this. Anyone I've ever talked to always acted so friendly and would love for me to even say their name. If I were to wink at a girl, she would have squealed and blushed and she would start twirling her hair and flirting right back at me.  
If I had started a conversation with a guy, they would have smiled and would've gladly laughed along with me, he would've joked around he would've talked to me.
But this person did not. This person questioned me, and this person denied answering me. Interesting...
"I don't have to tell you anything, now if you wouldn't mind back away from me please." Their stutter was gone, it's as if they just pulled themselves together in the span of a few seconds.
"C'mon, I just wanna know if you're a beautiful maiden or a handsome fella. How am I supposed to describe you to my friends when I brag about how I made an adorable new acquaintance?" 
"L-leave me alone." 
"Please, just a name?" I continued to plead.
"J-just call me V." Vee? That's a cute name...but that didn't answer my other question.
"Are you non-binary?" I questioned.
"What? N-No! I'm a boy!" I smirked, looking down at the flustered boy. 
"Do you want me to leave you alone now?" I asked, I was still planning on going out to the balcony, whether Vee was coming with me or not.

I waited a minute or two, I wasn't given an answer as Vee had frozen, he was clearly thinking of an answer, but it was taking too long and I wanted to go outside and get some fresh air.
I took a step back, removing myself from hovering over him, he was quick to grab the hem of my shirt his eyes were wide and he looked fearful.

"I-I don't want to be alone." I looked around the hall, all the bedroom doors were opened and the hallway was completely empty, only one light, by the stairs, was turned on leaving the rest of the place pitch black. 
"Okay, follow me then." I lightly grabbed his hand, pulling him around the corner of the hall which led to a door outside.

Once we were out of the house and out on the balcony, Vee seemed to calm down as I took him out of the hallway. He took a deep breath and let his eyes fall closed. His grip on my hand seemed to tighten a very slight amount as he continued to take a few breaths. 

"You alright?" I asked him, snapping him out of whatever trance he was in, he quickly looked at me, his eyes wide. 
"I'm fine. I'm fine..." Vee closed his eyes again, leaning against the railing and looking down at the many cars in the drive way and along the neighborhood street. 

I followed him, leaving his hand in mine as we both leaned against the railing, I tilted the can of beer I had in my hand and poured out the contents that the can held. 

"You drink?" Vee asked me, I smirked, continuing to pour out the liquid. 
"No, not really. I mean this isn't my first time and it probably wont be the last, but I'm not too much of a wimp to not drink it. But I'm probably not gonna drink anymore so I can drive home tonight." I explained to him, examining the not empty can. 
"How much have you had? You can't dri-" I immediately cut him off, not wanting to be accused. "I've had maybe two sips. I'm fine." He nodded, content with my answer. 

"You don't seem like someone to go to parties a lot, so what brings you here?" 
"I was dragged here by my brother, Remy. He's a big fan of parties and my mom didn't care that much that he wanted to leave...but he forced me to leave the house, claiming that I needed to get out more. I'm not a big fan of people..." He started to trail off, going quieter the more he spoke. 
"You do go to our school right?" 
"Yeah, we have a few classes together. You're like the most popular person in our school, Roman, that's probably why you don't recognize me." I smiled, he's not stuttering anymore and he's slightly opening up.
"That's about to change."


I looked at my phone, Vee and I ha been hiding out on the balcony, we were sitting on the floor as we occasionally talked. 
"It's already midnight, Remy hasn't texted me yet..." Vee mumbled to himself.
"Maybe he went home with someone?" Vee scrunched his nose in a disgusted manner. "Dude! That's disgusting. And if he left me to go have sex with some guy I'll kill him." Vee threatened, although he looked kinda hurt. 
"We can leave if you want?"
"He was my ride home." Vee continued mumble, his gaze fell down to the floor.
"I can drive you home? It's also Friday so if you need you can spend the night at my place." I shrugged, scrolling through instagram on my phone.
"R-really?" I looked up, his cheeks were a light shade of pink and he was looking right at me.
"Yeah, it's not a problem." A small smile rested on his face. "Do you t-think we could leave now?" He asked me. I nodded, stood up and then offered him a hand. "Let's go, Vee." 


Woah, I'm actually being productive today. I don't know why but oh well, enjoy this.
Let me know if you want a part two?

I love you all and I hope you
~Have An Amazing Day!!

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