Live For Me

516 28 36

 TW: Attempted suicide
self harm


Virgil looked down from the rooftop of the building, he had been sitting on the edge. No one had stopped and noticed him, even if he was on the highest building in their town, which just so happened to be the school building. 

He had dry tears on his cheeks and a soft smile on his lips. He had been sitting up there all day and he didn't mind the view at the moment. The moment before he took his own life. It was a nice image to leave on. 
He looked up, the sky was turning a light orange and pink tone. He liked it. The colors were beautiful together and he appreciated it. The clouds were blocking the sun so it wasn't too bright out but it was nice and warm. Not hot, but warm enough to give Virgil goosebumps as his cold body temperature was adjusting to the moderate warmth. It was like he was sitting under a heat lamp. 

A shiver was sent down Virgil's spine as a rush of wind came from no where - it didn't take long before the air went silent again. Virgil's eyes fell shut as he waited for the school bell to ring, it was only a few minutes now, school would end for the day. He glanced down at his phone, he had about twenty notifications from one person. It began to ring softly as Roman's picture popped up on the screen. The smallest smile rested on Virgil's lips. 

One more minute, that was it. Virgil stood up, he was gonna jump at the sound of the bell. 
He prepared himself, running both his hands through his hair as another rush of wind blew, the autumn air was fresh, just beginning. 

There it was. The school bell rung, echoing throughout the halls and classrooms. He stepped one foot off, he hesitated a second before leaning forward and letting gravity take control, he laughed to himself before leaning forward.


Roman tapped his foot, repetitively, it was the last class of the day. He couldn't sit still. He felt off. He hadn't seen Virgil - his neighbor - since yesterday, right after school ended. It worried him, Virgil was much to anxious to skip school. He had had perfect attendance since second grade because he hated putting up with missing work and he hated seeing the absences that would build up. 

Roman glanced at the clock. Only a few minutes remained, he thought about skipping the rest of the class and asking to use the bathroom, he didn't feel like sitting for another five minutes. He did just that, he raised his hand and asked to leave, the teacher didn't bother questioning why he brought his backpack with him, she just didn't care by this point. 

He glanced down at his phone, Virgil hadn't responded to any of his text. Virgil always responded to his text. Roman ran a his hand through his hair, he thought for a second before deciding that he just needed some air to clear his head. He knew he couldn't just walk straight outside so he decided on the rooftop, where he and Virgil sometimes sat during the lunch period. 

Roman steadily, yet slowly climbed the stairs. He tucked his phone into his pocket and let Virgil take over his mind. He had been planning to kiss Virgil this weekend, so he knew his feelings for him, and he had no idea how it was going to go. Virgil was, for the most part, an open book. Roman could read him just by being in the same room with him. But when it came to Virgil's feelings towards him? Roman was clueless, Virgil wasn't helping either, he never contributed to flirtatious banter Roman tried to throw at him which is what Roman counted on most to understand the emo. The slightest bit of a hint was the rare chance Virgil wasn't wearing foundation and Roman could see the blush that rested on Virgil's face.

Roman shook his head, he tried to clear his mind. He pulled out his phone and clicked on Virgil's contact name as he opened the rooftop doors. He walked out, set his bag down quietly - so the door wouldn't lock on him - and finally looked up. 

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