Open Book

796 38 64

T.W.: Brief mention of cutting




There is something wrong with me.

I shouldn't be here
I wish I were gone.

The longer I sat in the corner of this classroom the more I shook, the more I shook the more I wanted to cry.

I don't belong here.

I'd be better off dead.

No one even knows I'm alive.

I'm invisible to everyone.

Im hated.

My breathing was all over the place. I tried to take in deep breaths but they were all shaky and cause me to cough. I was in a classroom filled with people yet no one cared to glance at me. I needed help. I needed to breath. I needed happiness.

But I guess I can live with nothing. No one. I just want this to stop.

I don't even remember what led to these events but I was in the middle of a panic attack and didn't know what to do. I didn't have my razor. My one out for these situations, I lost mine about 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to cut since.

"...are you alright?" A boy asked me. He was walking past me but stopped and started to move closer. I looked up, my bangs falling over my watery eyes. I lost all control and let my tears roll down my cheeks. They started to come faster and my breathing was all of the place.

He looked scared, seeing my disheveled face, runny nose, crying eyes, hyperventilating breath.

He rushed toward me. Placing his hands on my cheeks and making me look at him in his eyes. My vision was going out and I was so scared.

"My name is Roman Prince. Everything is going to be alright, I promise you, you just have to hang in there. It's going to be alright. Everything will be fine, you will be fine. Who are your friends, I can go and get them." that triggered more tears and I was shaking more violently now. He seemed to realize it as he started to apologize.

"Hey, hey hey. It's alright. I'm sorry." He hesitated for a second. "Can I...?" He held out his arms, indicating a hug. I shook my head slightly, shaking too much to do anything much. He sat down next to me and held me close to him.


I was doing somewhat better, but I wasn't doing worse. I felt exhausted, and just wanted to sleep, it's only eleven in the morning, and I'm already dying at this school. Roman was still next to me, keeping me close, and I was content with that.

"Hey, are you alright?" Roman asked me. I shook my head yes. "Do you mind if I asked what your name was?" My name? Why would he want to know that? Not like I mattered much anyway. Not like my name could make any difference in this situation.

"It's fine if you don't want to though." I smiled softly, he was so sweet for helping me, so I decided to tell him.

"My name is Patton.." I said quietly. "Are you new here?" Roman asked me.

"I've been at this high school for three months."

"I'm sorry..." He slightly tightened the hug. "I'm sure my friends would love to meet you. I'm sure Virgil and you would get along quite nicely. And Logan would find you adorable, he's always had a soft spot for more fragile beings, not that you're fragile or anything, but that's why he hangs out with Virgil, it's the only reason I can stand him." I felt my face heat up.

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