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Unedited because I just wanted to get this out before I go to bed.


While the sides were all filming a video, Remy and Deceit were getting bored and decided to hang out with one another. Even if they were already dating they didn't make it too obvious in front of the others and they became accustomed to hiding their relationship.
However, now that they were alone they were in Deceit's room cuddling and simply talking to each other. 

Remy was leaning against Deceit's chest and Deceit had his arms around Remy. They were both looking straight ahead, simply enjoying the time they shared together. Remy had his sunglasses propped up on the top of his head so he could see in the darkly lit room.

"Thomas and I are filming another short video tomorrow, Roman says it's supposed to be really funny." 
"Do you really believe anything that drama queen says?" Deceit asked, running his thumb over the back of Remy's hand.
"He's funny from time to time, give him a break. Oh! You wanna know what I heard from Patton who had heard something from Emile who had overheard something Roman said to Virgil?" Remy asked, sitting up and turning around so he was facing Deceit. Deceit softly smiled as he saw how enthusiastic Remy was about gossip.
"Of course I do, babe." 
"Well, apparently, Emile had overheard Roman calling Virgil pet names and such and then he looked around the wall and saw the two kissing. Kissing! I knew they'd end up together!" Deceit chuckled, sitting up a little so he could give Remy a kiss.
"I could've sworn those two were flirting with each other just yesterday." Remy gasped he put his hands on Deceit's shoulders and gave him a small shake.
"You didn't think to tell me this after it happened?? I'm offended babe." Remy crossed his arms and turned his head to the side, looking away from Deceit.
"Awe, c'mon, we didn't even see each other yesterday, give me a break baby." he had sat up fully so he wasn't slouching as he looked at Remy. Deceit pulled Remy a little closer to him, trying to get him to look at him.
"You could have found me." Remy turned to face Deceit, a playful smile on his face. He leaned in and kissed Deceit again, he wasn't surprised when Deceit ran his tongue over his bottom lip. Remy pulled away and smirked, patting Deceit's cheek as he teased him.
"Nope. Not today babe." Deceit smirked as well. 

The two were an odd duo, they loved to tease each other and they loved to be in each other's arms. As long as they were next to each other, they were both ecstatic. Deceit wouldn't snap at the others if Remy was in the room because not only did he want to impress Remy but Remy calmed him down enough for him to not feel the need to snap at anyone.
Remy wasn't too different in front of the others, he did get a bit more flirty but he also dialed down his sassiness.

"One more kiss, please?" Remy couldn't help but laugh, more of a giggle, but same thing.
"Alright." Remy put his hands on Deceit's face and gave him a small peck to the lips.

Remy looked towards Deceit's door when he heard the front door open and then close.
"I don't wanna leave."
"Then don't. I can just lock the door so no one comes in." 

"Remy!" Virgil called out, needing to talk to him about something Roman had done while they were all out.
"Well now I have to go. You know how Virgil gets, plus he's like my brother." Remy started to get off of Deceit's lap, but was stopped before he could.
"Please don't leave, we don't spend enough time with each other." Deceit pleaded.
"I can't babe. I love you, but I have to go." Deceit slightly tightened his embrace, pulling Remy even closer to him.
"I'm sorry, you can come with if you want?" 
"You know how much Virgil dislikes me."

"Remy! Where are you?!" Virgil's voice was getting a bit louder.
Remy sighed and climbed off of Deceit and off the bed. "I love you." Remy  gave Deceit one last kiss before he headed for the door.
"I love you too."

Once Remy was out of the room, Deceit waited a few minutes before leaving as well. If they had left at the same time it might've been suspicious.

"Remy, he keeps flirting with me! Make him stop!" Virgil paced around his room as Remy sat on his bed, simply sitting there with a smirk on his face.
"Oh, it's not so bad, you know you like him too." 
"You don't even know who I'm talking about..." Virgil looked over at Remy, noticing his teasing expression. 
"News spreads fast around here. So, you and Roman kissed once and now you're dating?" Remy asked, looking up at the now flustered Virgil.
"W-We didn't just kiss once..."
"Woah, what! What else happened?!" Remy bolted up and looked over Virgil's expression, trying to tell if he was making him too timid by asking.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it..."
"I'll tell you something that I've been wanting to get off my chest since forever if you tell me this small detail." Remy placed his hands on Virgil's shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.
"This secret must be good if you're using it as bribe and if you've been holding it in for so long...Alright deal. Princey and I kiss and then we kissed again and then Princey asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend and I told him that I needed time to think about it and then we fell asleep in his room, on his bed, cuddled together...And he wants the answer before we go to bed tonight and I have no idea what to do!" Virgil ranted, fiddling with his hoodie sleeves as he looked up at Remy questioningly, awaiting an answer.

"Damn girl. Well you of course have to accept him. Be his boyfriend then you

ll get all his kisses and cuddles and if you're lucky enough-"
"Alright stop!" Virgil snapped at him, causing Remy to smile playfully. " really think I should tell him yes?"
"Yes, do it!" Remy encouraged, earning a small smile from Virgil.
"Alright, I will. Now what was your secret?" 
"Oh, Deceit and I are dating, and we hav been for a few months now. Three days and it's month number four, but who's counting? Anyways, I wanted to tell you first because you're like my brother and I thought you should know before anyone else. So no one else knows yet but I can finally tell them now that I got this out of the way." Remy flashed a bright smile as Virgil was in complete shock.

"Y-You're dating Deceit? How did I not see this?! I should've picked up on some hints. There should have been hints!" Remy chuckled, giving Virgil a pat to his head before he headed for Virgil's door.

"Alrighty, go tell Roman you want to be his boyfriend, and I'm gonna go hang out with my boyfriend. Love ya Vee, see you around." 


The last chapter before summer is over an school begins. 

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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