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Brought to you by my sister: @nimy14

Let me know what you think about it at the end, and if you liked it, maybe she can continue it on her profile. 

Virgil's P.O.V

I've been wondering for quite awhile now, does he even remotely have the same feelings as I do. I don't want to seem petty and ask him, but what if he does. Then I would lose my chance, because someone is eventually going to ask him out, he's freaking amazing! 

They would be stupid to not. Every time his doe like eyes with the look of light syrup, just makes me want to confess every single thing. I am twenty-four, and I've known him since forever now. Why can't my mouth do as my brain tells me. 


He invited everyone to his house for a lil' get together, and I believe this is it. I'm going to tell him how I feel, but what words do I say. I've seen movies and I still can't believe people actually do those things. Like who in their right mind would actually hold up a radio above their heads and wait for their significant other to peer out the window and be dumbfounded by that. If someone did that, I would throw the rock they threw at my window, right back at them. 


I just arrived at his house and made my way to the doorstep. I hesitantly knock and not to my surprise the door was swung open by non other than him. I greeted him with a pathetic smile and wave, and waited for him to invite me in. As I walked into his house, I take in the scenery within. Yup, still suits him, as I remember walking through the house plenty of times before. I followed him to where the party is, and see all of our friends, chatting amongst themselves. 

I find my way to a comfortable enough chair to sit down on. In the background there was some Disney movie playing where no one was paying attention to. There was food laying around the place, and my favorite food sitting right in front of me, spaghetti, not realizing he placed it there just for me. My heart strings were messing with me. I couldn't even say a thank you to him, after the nice thing he did, I still couldn't say anything to him. I Just wish I could say those few words that everyone seems to be able to say to those who they love. I snapped out of my train of thought, when someone stated we should a play game. Just more time being wasted where I could be alone with him, great. 

We decided to play truth or dare, original right? But this could kind of be my chance, not to profess my undying love to him, but to find out if he likes anyone. After some turns playing I finally found the courage and went for the question. 

"Truth or Dare?" I asked staring into his breath-taking eyes. Please say truth, oh please say truth. I mentally keep replaying in my mind. "Um let me think, tru-" He was interupted by a knock at the door. Dang it, he was going to say it! I swear who ever is at the door is going to be killed. "Hey Virgil, someone's here for you." Ugh alright time for someone to die. I got from my now warm spot, goodbye warm booty. I was now at the door giving death glares to the person in front of me. 

Of course Dee was at the door. I told him about this now regretting my decision. He pulled me to the front yard, in front of the stairs to the house for some privacy. "Hey, I don't think you should do what you're about to do." What was he talking about, did he know about my feelings, nah he couldn't. There was no way he did I never told anyone. Only me and my diary knows. Yes I have a freaking diary, so what I bet you do too.

 He started to give me a cheshire smile. "I know, and there is no way you are going to tell him!" I blankly stared at him, there is no way I am going to keep my mouth closed. This just made me want to tell him my feelings even more now. 

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