The Forest

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Have you ever walked outside, after being in a cold room for hours? And as soon as the front door opens, a rush of warm wind hits you in the face, and you get goosebumps from the sudden change in temperature, but it feels...nice?

Like you get this warm sensation, like sipping hot coco on a snowy day, or sitting by a fire while camping. It feels amazing. The way the warm air embraces you, takes you into it's arms and makes you go from cold to...warm in an instant. 

And then you walk further into the outdoors, perhaps there's a forest next to you, with flowers all over the place. And it's beautiful. The bright green leaves in front of you as you stroll down the one path that you've taken over a hundred times, and you just think 'this is the most...beautiful place I've ever seen.' 

Now think about this, but think of it differntly. Think of the most amazing person you have ever met. 

Take the most beautiful person, with the most amazing personality. 

Have you ever been hugged by that person? And as soon as their arms wrap around you, you feel this immediate warmth, warming your heart and waking you up. Just like when you walk outside. 

Maybe they're always there, but you've never taken in their spectacular and stellar details. Like you know how beautiful flowers are and how they help the enviroment in their small ways, well this person that you know is amazing, is just like those flowers. They are beautiful, and help you in their own ways. Becasue without those flowers your life would be bland, your life wouldn't be as great as it is now.  Without that person, you wouldn't know what to do. 

And you walk next to this person, perhaps right past them in the halls, but take a better  look at them. Walk down that path in the forest again, take in all the small features, pay attention to all the beautiful flowers and the birds. Woah, since when were the birds such a bright, beautiful blue. And their eyes, their eyes were so vivid.

Whether they were a beautiful blue, like those birds.

Or their hazelnut eyes matched their perfect honey-brown hair, just like how the lovely brown of the trees in spring compliment their blooming flowers and leaves. 

Perhaps they have green eyes that complimented the freckles that were littered all over their cheeks maybe their freckles went over the bridge of their nose, like the green grass with the dandelions sprinkled every now and then in the small fields in the forest.


Now think of it. 

Maybe you loved that forest, without even realizing it. That forest that you always knew was there. The forest with the most beautiful flowers, trees, and the familiar path. That path that never failed to being you nostalgia That forest is a place of security. Think of how much you love that forest.

Maybe, just maybe, that person that you never bothered to think about, although you talk to them every day. That person that you knew would always be there for you, and they truly were. The person with the most beautiful eyes, freckles, hair, and their personality, that amazing personality with their opinions that they stuck by and all their jokes that never failed to make you smile. That person who brings you safety. Think of how much you love that person.


~Have An Amazing Day!!

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