Short Stories

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The sides had just met another one of them. A new person in Thomas' mind didn't happen often as he developed his outstanding personality when he was much, much younger. 

The new recruit went by Anxiety. He was shy and quiet and no one had heard him talk yet, it was strange, he doesn't even eat in front of them.

That, my friend, it was made the others so wary of him. Patton wanted to get him to open up, to get Anxiety to be comfortable around them. Roman wanted to know if he was harmful or not, but that didn't keep him from swooning over him. Sitting as close to him as possible, making witty remarks to see if he could get Anxiety to say something to him. He may hardly know him, but he was already head over heels for him and was willing to wait, for a short period of time, for Anxiety to talk to them. And Logan, Logan would have been perfectly fine with Anxiety not talking to any of them, he himself would do it from time to time when he needed time to think. The thing that made him curious was why Anxiety was willing to spend time with them, Patton and roman have even hugged him before, with consent. But he refuses to talk. Logan started to do his research, and eventually head to put a pin in it because Thomas was dealing with a mental problem and Logan had to help him. But he never forgot about this project of his.


"Hey, Anxiety. Anxiety. Anxiety." Roman poked Anxiety's shoulder each time he said his name. When Anxiety simply ignored him Roman stood up and stood up infant of him, Anxiety looked over his phone to lock eyes with Roman. Logan and Patton were in the room as well, but Roman did this so often that they've learned to ignore him. 

"Just talk to me. Please?!?" Roman begged, Virgil shook his head no and went back to scrolling through his phone. "Don't make me do it." Roman threatened, hoping that Virgil would ask "do what?" but, he didn't. 

"Fine, you leave me no choice." Roman quickly brought his hands to Anxiety's sides and tickled him, Anxiety tried so hard not to laugh, covering his moth with one hand and pushing Roman away with the other. But he wasn't very strong and eventually had to use both hands to push away Roman. 

Roman stopped tickling him immediately, staring wide eyed at Anxiety. He quickly realized that Roman saw it, saw them, and covered his mouth with his hand. He was filled with fear, afraid of what Roman was thinking of him right that he knew.

"Roman, kiddo, you alright?" Anxiety tried to get up and run past Roman, but Roman was quicker and caught him with one arm. "Why are you leaving?" Roman asked him. His tone soft as he noticed that look in Anxiety's eyes that look full of regret and were overtaken by fear. Tears had already made their way down his face and he was slightly shaking.

"Anxiety?" Patton asked, the other two were now standing next to the two. 

"Why are you leaving?" Roman asked again in the same tone, with a reassuring smile. "Aren't you afraid of me?" Anxiety asked, his gaze fixed on the floor below him. 

"Oh my Irene, you talked!" Patton said with a bright smile. Logan shushed him, pointing out that this clearly wasn't the best time.

"Why would I be afraid of you?" Roman asked. "Why did you just stop all of the sudden." Roman was asked, Anxiety still not looking at him. "Because you finally laughed. Is there something I should be afraid of...?" Roman asked him. Anxiety shook his head and went in for a hug from Roman, who gladly accepted. 

"So, does this're going to start talking to us on a daily basis?" Roman asked, hoping that the answer wasn't no. But he was disappointed when Anxiety shook his head no.

"Why not, exactly. If you don't mind me asking." Logan asked, trying to be polite. Anxiety kept his head down, but decided to answer Logan's question. "I don't want you guys to judge me..." He said quietly. 

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