Emotions (Part 2)

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Logan was frozen as he stood in place, his door wide open and tears running down his face. His breathing started to become labored and his chest was getting tight, he fell to his knees and held onto his chest. 

At that moment Virgil and Roman had passed his door, they heard him hit the floor and looked into their room, they became even more concerned when Logan let out a hurt scream. 
"Logan?" Virgil took a step into Logan's room, but not going too far. 

"Why! Why do I screw everything up!?" Logan cried, his eyes were shut and he was gasping for air. 

Virgil worked up enough courage to walk closer to him, he kneeled down on the floor in front of Logan and started to do his breathing exercises. Logan eventually caught on and followed Virgil's lead, however, even if he could breathe normally again, that did not mean his tears stopped.

"Logan, what's wrong?" Roman asked, still standing in the door way. 
"I messed up..." Logan stood up, he was a bit unbalanced but he still managed to walk out of his room, ignoring both Virgil and Roman. Logan made his way to Patton's room, he simply stared at the door, too scared to knock.
Logan could hear the soft sobbing on the other side of the door, his heart metaphorically broke in half. More tears built up in his eyes as he listened to Patton, he raised his hand, about to knock on the door. He paused for a minute, but decided it was the right thing to do. 

Logan knocked twice, only for the door to be slowly opened. Once Patton realized it was Logan he quickly threw the door open and stared up at Logan with tears rolling down his face. He pulled Logan into his room and shut his door so the others couldn't hear him. 

Patton held his hands together as he cried. "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it at all!" Patton wrapped his arms around Logan's shoulders and stood on his tippy toes as he sobbed into Logan's shirt. "I could never stay mad at you, and I'm sorry for yelling I didn't mean it." Logan put his arms around Patton's waist and picked him up, Patton, in return, wrapped his legs around Logan's waist. 

Logan held onto Patton for dear life, tears still rolling down his cheeks as he listened to Patton sob and apologize repeatedly. Logan occasionally shushed him, trying to get in what he had originally planned to say but Patton continued to apologize. 

"Logan I'm sorry, I wont ever yell at you again I promise. I promise. Please forgive me!" 

"Patton...I should be the one begging for forgiveness. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I shouldn't have scared you, I shouldn't have done a lot of things in the past, and I deeply apologize and I promise you it wont ever happen again. I promise..." Logan swayed slightly, trying to calm Patton down. "I'm sorry, Patton." He repeated.

The two stayed silent, thinking about everything that had happened in the last hour. They were both confused and scared. They were no longer upset with one another, they were upset with themselves. They were both very regretful and wished that they hadn't done the things they did. But they couldn't change the past. They couldn't change what they thought had been mistakes.
Little did they know, their conversation, their argument wasn't a mistake. It had brought them closer together, albeit it was a bad idea to yell at one another, they both had worked up the courage to express their feelings. Logan had no intentions of scaring Patton and he had no intention on confessing to Patton either, however both had happened. And it was all because Patton was thinking of him. He wanted to make sure that Logan ate something that day, he had to make sure that Logan was okay because he hadn't seen him all day. Patton was always thinking of Logan.

If Logan hadn't yelled at Patton earlier that day, if he hadn't literally scared the feelings out of Patton, he wouldn't had confessed either. 

Neither of them really planned on confessing, they were both content with just pushing though their feelings and ignoring them, willing their feelings to just go away. 

"Logan...?" Patton spoke with a hoarse voice, yelling and crying weren't a good mix.
"...yes Patton?" Logan was hesitant, a bit scared that Patton would want him to put him down and leave his room.
"Did...did you mean it?"

He didn't know what he was referring to at first, but then it clicked. He had been referring to his confession. He was questioning Logan's love for him...and Logan couldn't blame him for being curious. He himself was curious about how Patton felt for him and he had received his answer, the least he could do was give Patton one.

"Yes, dearest. I said it and I meant it. I love you and I don't ever think that feeling is going away, as much as I wanted it to earlier, I couldn't ever imagine wanting it to go away now. Because...well if  you still mean it...then why would I ever want to get rid of this feeling. If we were to start...dating. That would mean I'd be able to carry you like I am now whenever without reason, and I'd be able to kiss you and I'd be able to tell you how much I love you whenever it builds up in my head and I can shower you with compliments and I can-"
"Logan." Patton called out, disturbing Logan's train of thought. Patton leaned back and looked Logan straight in the eyes. "I love you too." He spoke just above a whisper, but he still heard him. 

Patton put his hands on Logan's cheeks and place a gentle and passionate kiss to Logan's lips, Logan kissed back almost immediately. 

Roman had opened the door to Patton's room, Virgil was starting to fill his head with everything that could possibly be wrong and it was starting to get to him, it was affecting Virgil even worse as he clung onto Roman's arm and peered into Patton's room as well. 

The two pulled away from the kiss, however neither of them rushed to pull away from each other, and neither of them moved to look at the two in the doorway. "We're fine, there's no need to be worried Virgil." Logan spoke aloud, he looked at Patton's big brown doe eyes as he spoke in a calm manor, not wanting to startle the boy in his arms. 
"I'll come back out to make dinner, kiddos."

Roman and Virgil took that as their way of saying "Leave now, and shut the door" so they did just that. When the door shut once again Logan went over to Patton's bed and sat down with Patton in his lap, he leaned his back against the head board and closed his eyes.
" 'm tired Logan." his voice was just above a whisper as he laid his head on Logan's shoulder, letting his eyes fall shut. 
"Go to sleep, dearest. I'll set an alarm so we can wake up to cook dinner." Patton weakly nodded. 

The two were content as they fell asleep in each others arms...


So, a few of you wanted a part two...and ya got one (ᵔᴥᵔ)

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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