Soulmates (Better than previous soulmates chapter)

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Soulmate rules: You can't tell who your soulmate is until to people kiss and then you both like, glow, and the glow doesn't disappear until the next day. (This only happens for the first kiss)
Once a teacher/parent/adult acknowledges that you have met your soulmate you get to miss school for a week.


Roman sat in his last period, math. He always hated math, not because math itself but because of Logan. Logan would always rant about how he wasn't doing it right and right now was one of those moments.

"Roman, X does not equal 42, do you even listen in this class at all," Logan said taking in a breath to calm himself down before he said something that could get him in trouble, while Logan was calming himself, Roman just sat there popping the gum in his mouth while Logan continued with his with his rant.

Once the end of the day bell rung he grabbed all of his things and booked for the door without turning around and ran out the of the building that is known as school. There was only one reason he wasn't a high school dropout and that one reason is, his soulmate.

Roman knows for a fact he's gay, no doubt about it, he's never, not once in his life, has been attracted to a girl, so he wouldn't be shocked if his one and only was a boy. He was at a lost hope, after this point of his life, he gave up after meeting the whole school but he didn't let that get him down, just because the Virgil Black was there and once he finds him he's not letting go of him, never.

One day while Roman was getting ready for school, he got this feeling, a feeling that could only say today was a good day. He didn't know why, it was just a feeling in his gut. And so he was expecting something magnificent to happen, with a smile shining bright on his face.

When he walked downstairs into his kitchen, in a white crop top and light blue, high waisted, capris. His mom was standing next to the oven, cooking eggs, and his father sitting at the table reading a newspaper, his glasses resting on the edge of his nose as he read.

"Good morning honey, you're looking extra happy this morning." Roman's mother said in a sweet, motherly voice.

"I am in an amazing mood mother. I don't know why, but I have this feeling that something great is going to happen today and I'm excited to know what it is. Maybe I'll finally meet my soulmate." Now, Roman's parents knew how he had given up for a while with meeting his soulmate, so the fact that he was starting to daydream about meeting this special person put smiles on both of his parent's faces.

"That's good to hear sweetie." Roman's mother walked up to him and kissed the top of his head, before handing him his plate of breakfast. Roman gave his mom one more smile and then sat down across from his father. His father didn't say anything, the most his father did was smile, which was the most of a reaction he's gotten from his father in years.

Roman and his father didn't have that good of a relationship. Roman didn't understand how his parents were even together, but he didn't care, as long as his mom was happy, he was happy.

"I'm thaying for cheer practice after school today, so don't forget to pick me up." Patton, Roman's younger brother announced when he walked downstairs. His father's smiled disappear completely. He didn't like the fact that his son was involved in a girl's sport, let alone had a lisp.

"I won't. Roman don't leave him by himself." Their mom kissed Patton's head as well and handed him his breakfast. He had to eat something different than everyone else, because he was allergic to eggs, so he had sausage and jelly toast.


"Roman, can we walk today? Pleathe?" Patton begged. He was two years younger than Roman and very small for his age, one of the reasons he was a cheerleader, that and his optimistic spirit. He also tended to be the target for bullies so his mom didn't want him to be alone.

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