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After you see
It's a different plot line, have fun reading uwu


This chapter contains strong language


Virgil blinked back a few tears as he stared at Roman across the common room, they had been arguing once again, and it was becoming too much for Virgil to handle. 

"Oh my Irene, why are you crying? You're literally yelling at me just as much as I am yelling at you!" Roman crossed his arms, walking closer to Virgil and glaring down at him. 

"Don't you think I know that?!" Virgil wiped at his tears, slightly smudging the eyeshadow under his eyes. "Y'know what, congratulations! You've managed to make me feel like a worthless piece of shit, again! Would you like an award? Maybe a kiss on the cheek?" Virgil blinked back a few more tears before storming off, he couldn't stand letting people see him cry. 


Virgil paused for a moment, hesitating before turning around and waiting for what Roman had to say.
"Virgil, come back here." Virgil didn't move, which led to Roman walking over to him. 
"I'm sorry, you know I get a bit overwhelmed when it comes close to posting a video, I'm sorry...criticizing is how I show my love though, but I'll try and dial it down when it comes to you, okay?" Roman wrapped his arms around the small side, resting his chin atop of Virgil's head and lightly swaying, trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry..."


Logan lightly knocked on Patton's door, he knew he had screwed up when he yelled at Patton when he was trying to get him to stop working earlier. Logan just needed to be left alone, and he knew there was a better way of talking to Patton. But he was snappy and he wasn't in the mood to talk with people. 

He was also stressed, everyone always expected so much of him and he was mad at himself for getting people used to him overworking, it was his own fault for the way people thought of him, how the other sides thought of him. He set high expectations for himself and now everyone else has the same expectations for him, or at least so he thought. 

And so Logan was stressed, a lot, and he accidentally took it out on Patton, and he knew - without a doubt - that Patton was mad at him. And so he planned on making up with Patton.

Logan knocked one more time, and Patton finally opened the door, slowly opened the door but at least he responded.

"Patton, I apologize, you didn't deserve to be yelled at, and I know you're mad at me but-"

"Logan...I'm not mad. I understand you were stressed out. We all get stressed out so I know not to be mad at you...I'm just a little hurt, ya know? You're my boyfriend, I didn't think you'd yell at me. I didn't think you'd ever yell at me. But I get it. Just don't think I'm mad, because I'm not." A saddened smile rested on Patton's lips, he stood on his tippy toes and lightly kissed Logan's cheek before closing the door. Patton sunk down, leaning against the door and silently letting his tears fall.

Patton wasn't only hurt, he felt broken. Logan was his rock, and the fact that he made Logan mad hurt more than anything. Not the fact that Logan yelled at him, Logan's done that before, but he sounded angry, not just fed up, so he knew he shouldn't be with Logan for a while, he'd give it an hour, let Logan cool down, he didn't want to be screamed at again... 


Deceit locked his bedroom door, not wanting his parents to try and come into his room anytime soon. He unlocked his window and jumped out, even if he was on the second story floor he was used to this by now so the impact of him landing on the ground didn't affect him anymore.

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