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Roman had just woken up, he stretched his arms out as he lay in bed and let out a yawn. He looked over to the other side of the bed when he felt a tug on the blanket. He smiled as he saw Patton sleeping next to him, he laid back down on his side, facing Patton.


The night before Patton hadn't been able to sleep. He was laying in his own bed for a few hours and decided to get up and bake something around midnight. He hadn't expected to find Roman in the kitchen when he went down there, if had known Roman was gonna be down there he would have put something else on as he was only wearing an oversized, sky blue t-shirt that went down to his mid thigh and covered the shorts that he had been wearing making it look like he was in nothing but the shirt. 

"R-Roman? What are you doing up so late?" A small blush rose to Patton's   cheeks as he saw Roman, who had been wearing a red crop top sweater and a pair of black sweat pants.

"I could ask you the same thing." Roman looked away from his phone and up at the small boy walking into the kitchen, he looked at what he was wearing and smirked. 
"You look cute." Patton got even more flustered, he walked over to the pantry and started to grab ingredients for the cookies. 

"T-thanks." Patton took the ingredients to the counter and looked back over to Roman.
"You making cookies?" Roman asked as Patton walked over to the fridge and grabbed a few more things.
" wanna help?" Patton looked up at Roman and offered a small smile.
"I'd love to." Roman hopped off the counter he had been sitting on and walked over to Patton. 
"What kind are you making?"
"Chocolate chip, they're my favorite." Patton beamed already starting on the dough.

After the cookies were in the oven Patton took a spoonful of cookie dough and took a small bite. 
"Do you want some?" Patton held out the spoon for Roman, who took the offered bite. 
"It taste good." 
"Thanks." Roman leaned closer to Patton, wrapping his arms around Patton's waist from behind. Patton started to become even more flustered.
"W-What're you doing?" Patton asked quietly, staring in front of him and not at Roman. 
"I'm hugging you. Do you want me to back off?" Roman asked. 
"N-no. It's fine." Patton leaned into Roman's embrace, his face a bright red.

The two were standing for a while, waiting for the oven to beep and the cookies to be done.
"Why are you up this late, Patton?" Roman asked, keeping his voice down to not disturb the silence too much.
"I couldn't's too quiet and lonely in my room." 
"Well why don't you just come and sleep in my room? You're always welcomed." 
"Y-You don't have to do that, I wouldn't want to bother you." Patton spun around, no longer in Roman's embrace. He held his hands out in front of him to emphasize his point. 
"No, really. It's fine." Roman put his hands out in front of him too, he reached for Patton's hands and interlocked their fingers. "I don't like being alone either." 

Patton thought about it for a minute, and then the oven beeped. Patton hesitantly let go of Roman's hands and turned around to get the cookies, he grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the cookies out. He set them on top of the oven and then turned back around.
"Thanks for helping me Ro."
"No problem, angel." 

Patton stared up at Roman, letting silence fall before them once again. He tried to read Roman, his intentions that is. He knew Roman was a good guy but he was also the romantic side. 
It took a minute before Patton wore a small smile. He leaned against the oven and continued to look at Roman. 
"I wouldn't mind not being alone." Patton spoke in soft tone.

Roman took a step forward, there was no longer much space between them. Roman leaned forward and leaned his hands on the handle on the oven. He was looking down at Patton with a small smile on his face, his eyes glanced down at Patton's lips. 
"Patton?" Roman's voice was just above a whisper.
"Can I kiss you?" Patton slightly nodded, waiting in anticipation for Roman to lean in. Which he did. It was a soft kiss and it was a kiss that made Patton absolutely swoon over Roman.
Once Roman pulled away, Patton's eyes fluttered open and he looked up at Roman with a love filled look. 

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