It Won't Get Better

473 26 34

TW:Suicide, Overdosing, Blood, Hospitals, Abusive Behavior, Blades/Cutting/Self Harming

Patton sighed, throwing his pencil on his desk. He looked over to his phone, it was faced down and shut off, he was trying so hard to focus on school work but he couldn't.


Patton cringed at his father's voice. He knew it was time for dinner but he couldn't stand his family. He ran a hand through his hair, deciding on asking Logan for help after he ate dinner.

He stood up, leaving his desk chair pushed out instead of tucking it underneath his desk. He opened his bedroom door, his chest tightening as he thought about what today's dinner would lead to.

He stepped out, closing his door with a soft click before walking into the dinning room, everyone else was already sitting down.

"Look who finally decided to join us!" Patton flinched at his brother's loud words.

"Micheal, don't talk with your mouth full." His mother scolded before you looked up at Patton and told him to sit down.

"Can I go somewhere this weekend?" Mark, his other brother asked.

"Sure, whatever." Patton's dad scrolled through his phone, not really paying attention to anyone else.

"Can...can I go somewhere too?" His voice came out quiet, he was the youngest of the three and his parents always seemed to take out any of their negative feelings on him.

"No. We're going to be cleaning over the weekend." He knew that when his mother said 'we' it just met him. She'd help for a few minutes every now and again but he'd get in trouble if the house wasn't clean by the end of Saturday.

He didn't say anything else that night.


"I want the sweet relief of death." Virgil sighed, sitting down at their normal spot in the cafeteria. The school bell wasn't going to ring for another forty minutes so they had some time to kill.

"Same..." Patton mumbled, his head was resting on the lunch table and he was trying his best to sleep, since he hadn't gotten any the night before. He spent way too much energy cleaning over the weekend and he was fed up with it.

"What?" Logan looked down at him, it was normal for Virgil to say something like that, but Patton?

"Hmm? Oh nothing!" Patton sat up, smiling towards Logan, even if Logan knew that it was obviously fake.

"We need to talk." Logan announced, standing up and grabbing Patton's wrist and dragging him along with him.

They ended up in one of the bathrooms, Logan made sure that it was empty before locking the door behind them.

"Alright, talk."

"What do you mean? About what?" Patton nervously scratched at the nape of his neck, smiling shyly as Patton glared down at him with crossed arms.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Nothing's wrong, Logan."

"You never call me by my full name." Patton tilted his head to the side in confusion, waiting for Logan to explain further. "It's always some nickname like 'Lo' or 'Logie' or other things like that. I haven't heard you say my actual name in years."

Patton looked down at the floor, taking a step back as Logan's eyes glared into him.

"I'm fine..." Patton's back had hit the door, he brought his attention back to his surroundings. Logan was right in front of him.

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