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Logan walked into Patton's room, not bothering to knock. The dark room threw him off as the room was normally bright, lights always on and the pastel colors were always grabbing your attention. However the lights were off, curtains closed. Logan glanced over at Patton's bed that was always made. A smile rested on Logan's lips as he saw Patton sleeping soundly, although it was three in the afternoon, he knew Patton needed his sleep. 

Logan took a few steps forwards, reaching down to run a hand through Patton's curly hair. His fingers entangling the blonde hair that rest atop Patton's head. Patton stirred in his sleep - pulling the blanket that was already balled up in his fist - closer to his chest.
Logan's hand retracted. He kneeled down, sitting on the floor next to Patton's bed. He focused on Patton's even breathing, his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath.  His cheeks were a light tinge of pink and his eyebrows furrowed as he continued to stir in his sleep. He pulled the blanket to his chest once more, Logan couldn't help but touch Patton's hair once more, causing Patton to instantly calm down. He let out a small breath and his grip on the blanket loosened. 
Logan stood up, kissing the top of Patton's head before leaving Patton's room. He closed the door gently, hearing the silent click of the doorkno,b once fully closed, he turned around. He walked further down the hallway and down the stairs, the kitchen was louder than normal and it was lit up with laughter. Logan sighed, walking towards the kitchen, his intentions clear on telling them to quiet down. 

Logan poked his head around the corner, noticing Virgil and Roman laughing. He took his eyes off of the two and noticed the complete mess the kitchen was in. 

"What have the two of you done?" Logan asked, the two looked over to Logan, faces stoic for a second before they fell into another fit of laughter. Logan couldn't help but smile at the two who weren't bickering for once in their lives. 
"How did this happen?" 

"Well..." Roman started off. 


"Virgil!" Patton scolded right after Virgil spat another rude insult at Roman. 
"The two of you need to play nice." Patton told them, glancing from Virgil then to Roman. 

"How can we do that when he's...him?" Roman gestured towards Virgil. 
"Hey! I'm not that bad! If anything it's you!" Virgil stood up, standing face to face with Roman.

"Guys." Patton got their attention. "This has to stop. And I know the perfect way to do it." A smile tugged at the corners of Patton's lips, causing the two to look at him hesitantly. 


"That doesn't answer my question." Logan picked up a rag, starting to help clean up spilt flower that was left onto the counter. He set the garbage can by the counter and started to swoop it off. 

"We're getting there!" Roman retorted, helping Virgil get chocolate off his face.


There was a group of ingredients set on the counter and a piece of paper with directions on it. Patton stood in front of the ingredients, a smile on his face. 
"I've set out everything you need. All you've gotta do is follow the directions and bake some cookies." 

"How is this supposed to help with anything?" Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. 
"It's to help you bond with one another. Plus, you'll get cookies in the end." Patton shrugged, looking back to the other two. Patton headed for the stairs, before disappearing he turned around.
"I'll be back later, I'v got some stuff I've gotta catch up on."


"One thing led to another and we accidentally started a food fight." Virgil finished for them. Scrunching his nose when Roman ruffled his hair making flour go everywhere.  

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