Didn't Mean To

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Unedited (Because I was lazy)
TW: Mini Panic Attack


Virgil sat in his room, sitting on his bed as silent tears rolled down his cheeks. He wasn't near a panic attack and he didn't know what exactly what was wrong, there wasn't just one thing. There were multiple things going on in his head and none of them were great things none of them were pleasant or- 
"Hey, Kiddo?" Patton knocked on his door, planning on getting him for lunch. "Can I come in?" Patton didn't get an answer so he took it upon himself to walk in and check on him. 

"Virgil?" Virgil looked up, his eyes meeting Patton's as more tears fell. "Hey, kiddo. What's wrong?" Patton walked over to Virgil and wiped away a few of his tears, only for more to fall.

"I...nothing. Nothing's wrong." Virgil wiped away his tears, shaking his head in the process. 
"Virgil...please don't lie to me." 

"Nothings wrong, Patton. Nothing's wrong." Virgil sightly pushed Patton's hands away, putting a small, fake smile on his face.

"Virgil. Talk to me. If you won't talk to me then talk to Roman or Logan or even Thomas." 
"I'm fine, I'm fine...I-I'm fine." The more Virgil said that, the more tears that fell. "I-I'm fine." 
"Shh, it's alright. It's alright." Patton looked ahead as he held Virgil close to him. He couldn't do much in this situation but he would be there for Virgil as long as he needed him. 

"Do you want to go eat lunch now?" Virgil nodded, wiping away his leftover tears.
"Yeah. Yeah let's go eat."  
Virgil took a minute before standing up and following him out of the room, down the hall and into the kitchen. He picked up a plate and stared down at the food. He looked up and willed his tears to not fall while he was around everyone.

"Hot Topic? You alright over there?" Roman asked from his spot at the table. 
"Roman, let's leave him alone for a bit, alright?" 

Logan grabbed his own plate as he just entered the kitchen. He had accidentally dropped his fork, being a bit sleep deprived he hadn't registered it at first. 
However, Virgil had noticed. He had jumped and accidentally dropped his plate on the floor. 
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to." Virgil started to pick up the pieces of glass, but was immediately stopped by Roman and Patton. 
"It's fine, just stop picking up glass, you might cut yourself."  Patton picked up a broom and started to clean up the small mess.
"You didn't have to over react." Roman grabbed Virgil's hand and carefully lead him away from the glass.
"Like you always do." Logan mumbled afterwards.

"W-what?" Virgil looked up at Roman, who still held his hand in his. "Hm, oh nothing. Watch where you're stepping." 

"Y-You guys think I'm stupid and...and dramatic don't you?" Virgil's eyes begun to water again as he looked at the two.
"I-I'm not hungry anymore, I-I'll be in my room." Virgil took his hand back and wiped away some tears as e quickly walked back to his room, he completely ignored Patton's calls. 

"Great, look what you guys did. I'm not blaming you guys or anything but I mean, c'mon Virgil's fragile!" Patton whisper-shouted at the two in the kitchen. 
"What? I didn't do anything." Roman looked insulted at Patton's statement.
"Roman! Go up there and apologize. Right now." Patton pointed towards the stairs. "Roman, I'd advise you to listen to Patton." Patton glared at Logan, not willing to put up with either of them.
"Logan, you are to apologize right after Roman does, understood?" 
"You hear that Logan, you're in trouble too." Roman teased as he walked backwards into the common room.

"Right, right. I'm going to apologize now." Roman quickly left, not feeling like being scolded at the moment.
"Logan, you should've known better." Patton continued to clean up the mess as he spoke to Logan.


"Hey, storm cloud, I'm coming in." Roman called out as he knocked. When he walked into Virgil's room he was no longer crying, simply staring at the floor from his bed.
"Virgil? What're you doing?" Roman closed the door behind him and leaned against it with his arms crossed.

"Y'know, I honestly didn't mean to drop my plate..." Virgil fumbled with the strings on his hoodie.
"Virgil, you jumped as if there was a gun shot in the room."
"I didn't over react. I'm the embodiment of Anxiety it was a reasonable reaction." 
"No! I know what you're thinking right now. You're thinking I'm stupid and annoying, and I know that you're thinking about how I do this all the time and that you're so annoyed about Patton forcing you to come up here and apologize!" Virgil stood up, tears brimming his eyes.
"It happens all the time. I'll finally come out of my room after days because I've finally forgiven the rest of you for what you've done a few days prior. And when I finally come out of this dark and eerie room you guys yell at me. One of you will say something rude and then the other says something and then it goes back and forth and back and forth until I snap and then you get offended and then I go back up to my room. And I stay there. For days. You make fun of me and you think that I'm better off in my room. But I'm not...I'm not okay in here. The longer I'm secluded the more I start thinking and then I break." Virgil let the steady tears fall as he opened his heart out to Roman.
"You and Logan team up against me, the only times you get along is when you're picking on me. You just...you don't get it." Virgil had noticed the tears in Roman's eyes and the tears on his cheeks.

"No, no. Roman I'm sorry, I'm sorry please don't start crying. I'm sorry, I take it back. I take it all back, I didn't mean to-"

Roman pushed himself off the door and quickly wiped away his tears. He put his arms around Virgil only to get no reaction from Virgil except more tears.
"You never mean to..." Roman dryly laughed as Virgil leaned his head on Roman's chest. "That's your excuse every time you do something that you think is wrong. But you shouldn't say that. You shouldn't have to feel the need to use an excuse every time you accidentally do anything." Roman leaned his head down, and rested his chin on Virgil's head, he lightly swayed as Virgil's breath started to quicken and become uneven. Roman knew he was going to go into a panic attack any minute now, and he knew all he could do was be there for him. 
"Let's lay down, okay?" Virgil nodded as he held onto Roman's shirt and continued to cry. 

Roman picked up Virgil and lightly placed him down on the bed, letting him go for a minute. He put the blanket over Virgil and laid down next to him, not bothering to use the blanket as he only wanted to coddle Virgil and make sure he was okay.
"Virgil, I'm sorry. I didn't know I was affecting you this bad, I'll always be here for you, you can always talk to me. I'm sorry." 
"Roman...you guys belittle me, and I know you're sorry but it still hurts." 
"I know..." Roman pulled Virgil closer to him, Virgil held his hands close to his chest and stayed quiet, his breathing still off.

After awhile Virgil fell asleep in Roman's arms, but Roman didn't dare to move in fear of waking him.
"Virgil? Roman?" Patton knocked on the door and walked in. "I heard yelling earlier, is everything alright?" Roman looked up at Patton for a split second before laying his head back down.
"Well, would you look at that. You two are getting along."  Patton smiled at the two. "Tell Virgil to eat something when he wakes up, alright kiddo?" 
"Will do, pop's." Roman closed his eyes as he heard the door shut.


~Have An Amazing Day!!

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