Small Arguments

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Logan and Patton would occasionally argue, not too big of a fight, more along the lines of Logan trying to get Patton to stop eating so much sugar, or Patton trying to get Logan to stop working so late into the night. 

However, their fights would get to be a bit too much.


"Logan, please, just come to bed." Patton begged as he attempted to pull Logan out of his desk chair, much to Logan's disliking. 
"Patton, like I have told you the past twenty times, I need to finish my work." Logan lightly pushed Patton's hands off of his arm.
"Logan, it's already midnight, when are you gonna finish? You need sleep and if you stay up too long you'll be sleep depr-"
"Patton! I know, I know I'll be sleep deprived but if I let my work pile up then I'll have more to do. I would've finished this earlier if you hadn't dragged me away earlier so we could binge watch Disney movies together."

Patton's eyes widened slightly, he pulled his hands away, leaving them down by his sides as he looked at the floor.
"I just wanted to spend time with you..."
"I know, and as much as I'd like to spend time with you as well, I can't. I need to finish." Logan hadn't looked up at Patton for the past twenty minutes, ever since he had come into the room Logan kept his eyes fixed on the paper in front of him, his pen constantly moving, continuing to work as he argued with Patton. Easily multi-tasking as he unknowingly hurt Patton's feelings.

"Logan, let's just go to bed..." Patton reached his hand out again, placing it on Logan's shoulder. Logan spun around, he looked fed up with Patton. 

"Patton, can you not tell that I am busy?" 
"I know, but-"
"Then why have you been in here pestering me for the past half hour? Do you want me to not finish? Are you trying to set me behind on my work?"
"N-no, I just wanted-"
"Then let me finish! I will go to bed once I am finished." 

Patton's eyes widened, he felt goosebumps form on his arm, he was frightened by hearing Logan raise his voice. His eyes began to water and before he could stop, tears starting to fall. 
It took a minute before Logan could fully comprehend what was happening, his eyes scanned Patton's face, his expression changing after he realized he had made Patton cry. He quickly stood up once Patton started to gasp for air.

"Patton, you have to keep breathing." 

Patton wiped at his tears, staring down at the floor as he tried to stop crying.

"Look at me." Logan spoke calmly, trying to get Patton to calm down. "Patton, look at me." Patton did as told, looking at Logan through his tears, trying to keep his breathing even and controlled.
"Why are you getting so worked up about this? This isn't the first time we've argued about me going to bed, why now are you being so persistent?" Logan pushed Patton's hair back so it wasn't in his face, his touch was soft and gentle, making Patton to lean into the touch.

"I-I can't sleep by m-myself!" Patton looked back at the floor, afraid of how Logan would react.
"What do you mean?" 
"...I normally leave before you yell at me...I d-don't like being yelled at, I can't handle it. S-So I try and leave you be before I make you yell...b-but I can't sleep when I'm alone and I'm tired and I just wanted you to be with me because I can always sleep whenever you're next to me. I just wanted to sleep..."
"I don't understand, you're always asleep whenever I go to bed."

"N-no, I'm not...Whenever I hear you open our bedroom door I close my eyes and try my best to wipe away my tears before you even notice me. And then you lay in bed, and you wrap your arms around me. And I feel better...I don't feel as alone like I was before you laid down next to me. I calm down and then fall asleep in your arms. And sometimes, if I wake up early enough, I get to see you in the morning and I still feel safe and protected. But other times I don't. You're gone before I can even open my eyes, and I wake up whenever you leave me because I get lonely again, and then I wont see until lunch because you work as soon as you get up until lunch time and then you go back to work. And I get lonely...and I crave affection, and you know this. Yet you get jealous when I get affection from the others so I rely on you. I wait for you. And sometimes it's worth the wait, but sometimes it isn't. Because you don't stay long enough...I know that doesn't make sense, b-but I'm trying my best to explain..."

Logan had a lot to think about. He was thinking now, but he'd need a lot more time to process what Patton had just told him.

"I'll go to bed...Just let me-"
"No! P-please, please just come lay down with me now. Please..." A few more tears rolled down Patton's cheeks, Logan looked down and noticed that Patton had also grabbed the hem of his shirt. He couldn't say no to him anymore...

"Alright, let's go then." Patton let out a relieved sigh, leaning forward, he laid his head on Logan's chest. When Logan wrapped his arms around Patton he couldn't help but feel calm. He felt so much better hugging Patton then sitting in his chair for hours and working non-stop, yet he didn't know why he chose to do that more often than to hug Patton.

"Let's go to bed." Logan repeated as he picked Patton up and walked out of his office and into their bedroom. 
"You need to sleep...I can't believe you haven't been getting enough sleep these past few days, possibly weeks...I didn't mean to do that to you." 

Logan laid in bed, keeping Patton wrapped in his arms...


It didn't take long for Patton to fall asleep now that Logan was with him. The same thing can't be said for Logan, he was wide awake. Patton's rant was replaying in his head, repeatedly. He couldn't help but feel bad. He should feel bad and he knew it, but he wanted to make things right, he just didn't know how.

He wanted to be able to spend time with Patton whenever Patton wanted to spend time with him. He wanted to just leave his work for some other time although he couldn't. He wanted to go to bed when Patton did. He wanted to wake up in the morning with Patton in his arms, he wanted to stay in bed until Patton opened his eyes and sleepily looked up at him, Logan always thought that Patton was absolutely adorable whenever he just wakes up.

Logan decided to close his eyes and deal with this tomorrow morning, he'd stay bed as long as Patton was. And he did just that.


When Logan had woken up it was ten in the morning, he had turned off his alarm clock the night before. He hadn't expected to sleep in this late, but he did feel well rested. 

He looked over at Patton, who was cuddled up close to him, his hair was all over the place and it made Logan smile, to see the precious sight in front of him. 
Patton started to stir in his sleep, his eyes eventually fluttered opened and a small smile took place as he noticed Logan still in bed. 

"G'morning Lo." 
"Good morning to you as well."

Patton snuggled closer to Logan, not wanting him to leave. Logan didn't mind too much, he intentionally stayed in bed so Patton wouldn't be lonely. 
They were laying in bed for another hour before Patton had started to wake up again, sitting up a few minutes after he had woken up.

"You're still here, don't you have work to do?" Patton sleepily rubbed at his eyes, watching as Logan sat up next to him.
"I didn't want you to be alone. I've decided to take a break from work for awhile, considering that I'm already two weeks ahead of myself." Logan wrapped his arms around Patton's waist, pulling him into a kiss.
"Did you sleep well?" 

"Mhm." Patton was head over heels for Logan, he always was whenever Logan kissed him, or initiated the kiss or was even around him. He just loved Logan in general and no matter how upset he got with him, he would always love him, because Logan was his rock and nothing would change that. 

"What're you thinking about, Patton?" 
"Hmm? Oh nothing. You ready to get out of bed?" Logan thought about it for a moment, he decided against it and pulled Patton into his lap, keeping his arms around Patton's waist.
"No, I don't think we should. It's nice and calming with you. The others will just ruin the blissful peace." Patton chuckled and leaned in for another kiss.


Didn't know how to end this, sorry bout that, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

~Have An Amazing Day!!

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