Bloodlines (2nd revised version)

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Summary: Set in 1x10 and 1x11. What if human Kat was the one to crash? What if the vampire wasn't Logan, but instead an enemy she turned? Will Damon save her? If so, what will happen?

Katherine, human, had been driving, when she'd hit a vampire enemy in the road, which had caused the car to roll. Since she'd only recently been turned human unwillingly from the cure for vampirism, she wasn't wearing a seatbelt, having forgotten that humans tended to get injured from accidents a lot. Now, as she lay half outside of the upside down SUV of hers, she blurrily saw him approaching. She tried to stay awake, afraid of what would happen, but she eventually lost the fight.

The vampire knelt beside a helpless, injured, human Katherine and bent down, vamped out, ready to rip right into the side of her neck without a care in the world. However, he didn't realize that someone was willing to save her, and that made him end up with Damon pinning him against part of the wrecked car.

"You don't want to do that," Damon threatened him.

"I think I do," he contradicted, before throwing him off.

Damon got to his feet, ready to protect and save her, despite the past. After all, a human Katherine was a nearly helpless one. She needed protection.

They vamp-sped towards each other, beginning to fight, and though he was a little stronger and older than Damon, Damon won in the end, resulting in ripping out the vampire's heart.

Damon dropped the heart, before going over and kneeling by Katherine. He could tell that she'd lost a lot of blood. He could see blood on either side of her head, as well as a shard of glass in her left thigh, which had opened up an artery in her leg. She was pale too, but still alive.

He gently pulled her out of the wreckage. He then got to his feet with her, blurring for the hospital, not knowing if she could digest blood.

When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital, Damon seated on her bedside. That made her realize that he'd saved her from that vampire. And she was grateful for that.

He rested a hand on hers.

"How do you feel?"

"Better than earlier. Thanks for the save, but you didn't have to."

"Sure, I did. No one gets to hurt you without consequences," he replied.

"Well, thanks then."

She gave a smile, in which he returned.

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