Legacies: Cherish Me Forever

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Summary: Set in Legacies S1 when they were in the middle of Miss Mystic Falls and Hope was breaking down after finding out that the dress she was wearing was what Klaus had given Caroline. After Kat comes back to life, she helps Hope get back into control and brings Klaus and Damon back to life.

It was a dismal night, as a human Katherine appeared after escaping a prison world. Everyone had thought that she'd been destroyed, but she'd actually ended up in a prison world, having to deal with Kai. Though she'd been in a prison world, she knew what she'd missed, so she knew that Hope needed someone like her to help her. Hope was alone. No one knew even a fraction of what it felt like to be what she was, but also be grieving from the loss of her whole family. But Katherine knew it all too well. She'd dealt with that for 500 plus years. And even after everything Klaus had done, Katherine wouldn't leave his daughter to feel alone like he and Katherine had felt. She didn't care that she was Klaus' daughter. Hope had nothing to do with the past between Katherine and Klaus. Besides, she'd forgiven him on her deathbed. Plus, she hadn't watched Hope all this time not to step in when Hope needed someone like her. And it would honor Klaus and Elijah's memory.

After appearing outside the school, she went in search of Hope. That's when, inside, she saw Hope starting to lose it. She understood, since she recognized the dress Klaus had given Caroline years ago. It was in the middle of Miss Mystic Falls, she realized. That meant if she lost control, it wouldn't end well. So, she did what she could. She walked over to where she stood in the middle of the dance floor and put hands on her arms.

"I need you to breathe, Hope. It's okay. It's going to be okay. Let's just get through this."

Hope did as the stranger instructed, and she eventually was able to stay in control.

"Who are you?" Hope asked.

"Katherine Pierce. Your dad ruined my life, but I forgave him on my deathbed. The stories probably say I'm the bad guy, but no one knew me before your dad turned me into something I'm not. But your Uncle Elijah knew me well enough that he believed I could be saved. And I was. I had a daughter too once, and being reunited with Nadia, even for just a little bit, made me want to be a better person. Nadia saved me from myself like you did for your dad. And despite all the terrible things I've done, I'd never harm a child or the daughter of my former enemy. If you can learn to trust me, I can help you. Alaric means well, but he doesn't know even the fraction of how it feels for us to have no family left. I know he's being cautious when it comes to what magic is taught here, but once in a while, to get what you want or need, you have to dive into a little of Dark magic. I can bring back your dad, and I'll try to bring back Elijah. He was my first real true love. Then there was Damon, too."

"What are you doing here?" Hope questioned. "How are you here? You were dead."

"I was, but I finally found a way to escape a prison world," Kat informed.

"I'll trust you if you can bring my dad back."

"Good. We'll do it after the humans have gone home," Kat agreed.

Later that night, Hope and Katherine were in the cemetery, Kat knelt on the ground by Klaus, her hands above him, as she did a spell to bring him back to life. Hope stood not far away, keeping an eye out for any danger or someone that might try to interrupt Katherine bringing her dad back to life. She didn't care about the consequences. If Katherine could bring him back, then she'd be happy. That, and it would mean that she could trust her, despite what the stories in the library said about her. Like her dad, the stories called Katherine the bad guy, but her dad was what had made her into the bad guy, chasing her for 500 years for revenge that he never succeeded in getting. But he'd changed, just as it seemed that Katherine had changed. After all, she figured that the old Katherine never would have wanted Klaus brought back. This version of Katherine wanted him back, almost as much as Hope did. That meant that Katherine truly had forgiven her father for what he'd done.

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