Legacies: Find Our Way Back To Each Other

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Summary: Forty years after Damon lost Elena, Kat escapes the prison world scathed by Ric's two former students as well as Kai. When Damon finds her, will he save her? If so, can he save her? Now that she's human, can she digest blood? If she can, will she want to stay human? When she gets poisoned from Kai's dagger he used in the prison world, can she be saved? What will ensue between them? Will their flame burn once more?

It was a nebulous night, as Damon whom was still a vampire, having decided not to take the cure with Elena, walked through the Mystic Falls streets. He was on his way to the Mystic Grille, needing a drink. It had been forty years since Elena had died of old age. No amount of passing years would stop him from missing her, but he was starting to finally move on.

Meanwhile, a human Kat appeared with an ascendant in hand, having just escaped the prison world the girls had made when they'd been little. That prison world held Kai, as well as Ric's former students. One was a vampire, while one was a werewolf. She'd been able to escape, but was injured. Throughout her being hunted by the former students, she'd been fed on and scratched. Also, before she'd escaped, Kai had injured her as well. She had an open leg artery and blood on either side of her head. Because of her injuries and blood loss, she lay on her side with blurry vision. She knew she needed help soon, but she was too weak to move. She was losing so much blood, she could feel a puddle surrounding her hand. She could only hope to be found before it was too late, but she didn't know if she would be. The vicious vampire bite was making it hard to breathe. And as the moments went on, her vision began to grow gray.

Twenty minutes later, Damon stopped in his tracks, smelling a lot of fresh blood. He could smell the familiar scents of Katherine and human, too. Despite having forgiven her for what she'd done in the past, he wasn't sure about her being back. He couldn't help but to play the hero, though. Even for her. She was still his sire. He owed her everything for saving him from the life he'd hated as a human. And no matter what, if she needed saving, that was just what he'd do. So, after a few moments, he began to follow the scents.

Ten minutes later, once he saw her on a desolate road, clearly injured, he blurred towards and knelt at her side. That's when he saw her injuries and knew where she'd come from. He knew that she'd escaped the only prison world left. The ascendant gave it away. He knew Kai was trapped there, but he also knew that a couple of Ric's students had been put there.

He took his jacket off, tying it around her open thigh artery to try and stop her from bleeding out from it any further. He knew that she'd lost a lot of blood, though. She was also pale from the massive blood loss.

He slid an arm under her, careful of the vampire bite on the right side of her neck, and gently got her on her back and pulled her gently into his arms.

"Stay with me, Katherine," he encouraged. He could see that she was starting to go under. He knew that wasn't good with the blood loss and her injuries. Especially, with the bite. And he could hear her breathing growing shallow.

After debating for a few minutes, he decided to take a chance. He bit his wrist and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat, as everything went black for her.

When she woke up, she was in an unfamiliar place. She assumed Damon lived there, though. He was in the living room with a drink, after all.

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