Meant To Be After All

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Summary: Set in S8. Based on the song "Not Meant To Be." Katherine comes back to life after escaping the 1994 prison world and Kai. Will Damon save her or not?

It's never enough to say I'm sorry
It's never enough to say I care
But I'm caught between what you wanted from me
And knowing that if I give that to you
I might just disappear
Nobody wins when everyone's losing

It was a nebulous night, as Damon drove through Mystic Falls, on the way out of town. A few weeks ago, he and Enzo had been saved from the siren, Sybil, when they'd destroyed it. Just last week he'd gotten his humanity back on. Now he was on his way out of town for a break from Mystic Falls and everything that came with it.
Suddenly, on a road, close to the edge of town, he stopped the car, seeing someone on the road. Deciding to see who it was and if he could help, he got out and walked towards the shoulder of the road.
Once there, he immediately knew who it was. She wasn't Elena, but he'd know her anywhere.
He knelt by her to assess her condition and wounds with his eyes. When he did and saw the arrow in her lower stomach and the ascendant not far from her, he knew where she'd come from.
"I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this," he said, knowing she'd just escaped Kai and it was partly his fault. He was the one that killed Kai to save Bonnie, and Stefan was the one that had killed her. Damon had just watched instead of trying to keep her alive, because he'd loved Elena. He couldn't deny that there was still connection between them, though. She'd taught him everything he knew.

*As I Lay Dying*

It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, I can't change your mind
I know it's like trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me
And I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be
It's never enough to say I love you

It was a dismal night in the Mystic Falls woods in 1864, as human Damon stood in front of her, her standing against a tree.
"Why must you run from me?"
"Because I know that you will chase," she answered with a smile.
"Then let me chase you forever," he replied.
She used a fingernail to make a cut by her collarbone.
"I'm not going to feed you, Damon. If you want it, take it. Choose."
"I choose you, Katherine," he said, before he began to drink from the cut. That was the first lesson she taught him; take what you want without consequences.

*500 Years of Solitude*

No it's never enough to say I try
It's hard to believe
That there's no way out for you and me
And it seems to be the story of our lives
Nobody wins when everyone's losing
There's still time to turn this around
You could be building this up instead of tearing it down
But I keep thinking
Maybe it's too late

As Katherine lay in bed, resting, stuck in the memory of her parents slaughtered, Damon appeared in her memory, ready to torment her about it.
"You know, your family's death was all your fault," he told her.
"Get. Out. Of. My. Head," she said angrily, mad at him for being inside her head and trying to torment her.
He didn't heed, but instead, went on to comment about the style that Klaus used, saying that he admired how he'd put the sword through her father and made him hang on the wall.

*The Return*

Katherine stood in front of him in the living room.
"Kiss me or kill me. Which will it be, Damon? We both know you're only capable of one."
He pinned her to the floor with a hand around her throat. He thought about the latter, but then a moment later, he let go of her and kissed her.
She kissed back with a smile and they blurred towards a wall, her against it, and they continued kissing.
He pulled away five minutes later.
"Wait. Time out."
She pushed him away and stepped back, waiting for him to continue.
"I have a question. Answer it and it's back to rockets and red glare. Answer it right and I'll forget the last 145 years I spent missing you. I'll forget everything and we can start over. That's the beauty of eternity. See, we have time. I need the truth just this once."
She stood in front of him.
"Stop. I already know the question and its answer."
He rested gentle hands on either side of her face.
"The truth is...I've never loved you."
She took his hands and put them down, before walking off.
As she walked off, everything she said sunk in and he grabbed a shot glass, chucking it at the fireplace. As a result, it shattered into a million pieces, just as he felt like right now.


It's like one step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I, baby, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be

As he scanned her, he saw a dagger in her thigh and her lower stomach and side were bleeding. To top it off, there was blood on either side of her head and she was pale from blood loss.
After another moment of looking her over, he pulled the arrow out and gently picked her up in his arms, taking her to his car.

As he drove out of town to the nearest town and hospital, he hoped that she'd make it. All he could do was hope. He'd hated her for so long and now he cared for her. He didn't hate her anymore. He just wanted her to live. His hatred had died when she had died. Besides, no one deserved to be treated the way Kai liked to treat others.
He looked over at her.
"Katherine, can you hear me? I need you to open your eyes. I know I was an ass before you died and I'm sorry for that."

When he got parked in the hospital parking lot and opened her side of the car, she began to wake up and he went to her side. He could see that though she was awake, she was fighting as to not go under again.
"Hey. You're finally awake." He gently picked her up in his arms and walked to the hospital building. "Stay with me. You're going to be okay. Just stay with me."
She was barely awake, as he entered and got some help for her.
A few minutes later, she was rushed down the hallway with a breathing mask on her.

A few hours later, he entered her hospital room after she'd survived the surgery, and sat on her bedside, his hands in hers.
"You're lucky. You know that? You've been through hell and back and survived."
He gave a smile, though she wasn't awake yet.

An hour later, she woke up and he gave a smile, which she returned.
"Thanks," she said.
"Well, you didn't deserve that and I don't hate you anymore," he replied.
"Well, thanks for the save anyway." She smiled. "If it's any consolation, thinking about you kept me going."
She slowly sat up in bed and gave him a kiss, which he lustfully returned. After her death and near death experience, he realized that he loved her.

A month later, they were a couple again.

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