Contiguous (Near) Death

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It was a beautiful day, as Klaus and Katherine stood not far from where the sun stream in through a window. Klaus wanted her to tell him the truth of what had been going on, while he had been out of the house.

"Tell me the truth," he growled at her.

"I'd rather die."

"Then die," he said, being impatient.

He tied her to a wooden chair in the sun and left the house. And as she sat there tied to the chair in the sun, she screamed in pain, as she burned.

An hour and a half later, Damon Salvatore stood outside Alaric's apartment and knocked. When nobody opened it and he heard a groan from inside, he opened the door and walked inside, closing the door behind himself.

Upon seeing her, he raced towards and knelt in front of her. As he worked with the ropes to untie her, she was still burning. He head was down, eyes closed. He couldn't hear anything from her, which worried him.

Once the ropes were off her, he got to his feet and gently picked her up in his arms. He then layed her gently picked her up in his arms. He then layed her gently down in the middle of the floor, out of the sunlight. He raced to the bar where her jacket was and grabbed it, racing back. He then knelt at her side and listened for breathing.

She was breathing, but it was so shallow and faint, he could barely hear it; even with his vampire hearing.

As he gently lifted her, her head went back. He pulled her into his arms and covered her skin with both her jacket and his. Then he got to his feet with her, walked out, closed the door behind himself, and raced towards the boarding house.

Once home, he closed the front door and raced to his couch. He gently layed her down on his couch and took the jackets off her. He sets hers on the recliner in front of the fireplace, and put his own back on.

He positioned her head gently back, bit wrist, and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat.

While he was feeding her his blood, Elena opened the door and walked in, closing it behind herself.

"You found her," she said.

"Yeah. At Ric's. That means he's in Ric's body. He nearly killed her. He must really want her dead," Damon explained.

Elena stood not far from the couch.

"Will she be okay?"

"She'll have to wake up for me to know," he informed the doppelganger.

Elena was silent, unsure of what to say.

An hour later, Katherine awoke, coughing and gasping. Damon helped her sit up, seated on the couch by her. He rested gentle hands on either side of her head, careful of her burnt skin. He looked into her face for any signs that she might not make it.

"Katherine," he greeted, once she had her breath.

He took his hands away.

"Damon. Thanks. You saved my life."

"Yes. And don't make me regret it. What happened?"

She explained to him what happened.

"I probably said the wrong thing to Klaus," she commented.

"Yeah. You think?" he said sarcastically. He then added, "You nearly died."

"Yeah, well, I can be stupid sometimes. I'll be more careful next time," she said. She added that last part when she saw his worried look.

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