Former Vampiress Rescuer

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Summary: When she comes back to town, she ends up in a crash, only to also get bitten by a vampire. Can Damon save her life, or is he too late this time?

It was a dismal night, as a newly turned back human Katherine exited the wrecked car, vision blurry from her injuries, trying to get away from the crash she'd accidentally gotten herself into. She needed to get to the one person that, despite his despisement, she thought might help her. Damon. She also had to get out of there away from the crash, as well as to Damon as soon as possible not only because of her injuries, but also because she was afraid of a possible vampire coming across her that would see her as food. After all, vampires were all over this town. It wouldn't take long for one to smell her injuries. It was a matter of being able to get out of there, though. It was hard to get anywhere when her vision was blurry and going dim. She knew from this that she was losing a lot of blood.

She learned against the car, her back against the car. That's when she blurrily saw someone approaching. Since her vision was so blurry, she didn't know if it was a vampire or not, but she assumed it was. Then she felt fangs in the side of her neck. She didn't fight though, since she wasn't in the shape to do so. Even if she was, she wasn't stupid. She knew she couldn't win a fight against a vampire.

Damon was walking, on his way home after feeding from the woods, but stopped, smelling the scent of an injured human Katherine close by. He knew about her turning human, since Elena had told him before the summer had been over with. He despised Katherine, but that didn't mean he'd leave her for dead. Especially, when she was defenseless as a human. She couldn't protect herself. Besides, their unspoken rule would always apply. They could hurt one another, but no one or anything else got to hurt either of them without consequences. Therefore, when he smelled her injured, he followed the scents.

Half an hour later, he came upon the scene. She'd injured herself in a car crash, but she also was being fed upon. Seeing all of that, he blurred over and ripped his heart out in an instant. Then he knelt at her side and gently pulled her into his arms, arm supporting her head. The bite was pretty bad, but she also had some pretty bad injuries from the car crash. He knew she was slipping through his fingers. She was barely awake, but losing consciousness fast. She was pretty pale, growing limp, and he could hear her shallow breathing, too. He knew he was losing her. She didn't have much time left.

"I'm here. You're gonna be okay. Stay with me," he said, and though no one knew if there were consequences with the cure, he didn't care. That was a risk he was willing to take. With his free arm, he bit his wrist and put it to her lips, as he positioned her head gently back, forcing his blood down her throat, trying to save her before it was too late. "I'm not letting you die if I can help it. Come on, Katherine. Fight. Keep breathing for me."

As he tried saving her with his blood, he hoped it would work, but it wasn't healing her yet. He knew she should be healed by now, so he stopped. He then gently picked her up in his arms, his wound healed, and blurred to the hospital, as she continued to go under.

Twenty minutes later, he watched her be rushed down the hall. He hoped she'd be okay. She'd barely been alive when he'd gotten her here. He knew it was a chance that she may not live through the night or surgery, but he also knew that he had to have faith that she'd survive just like she always did as a vampire.

Stay with me, Katherine. Please. You have to survive this, he thought.

Several hours later, he was seated on her bedside, waiting for her to wake up, a hand on the side of her face. She'd survived surgery, and now he knew that anyone that took the cure couldn't digest or heal from vampire blood. That made it difficult, since Katherine as a human seemed to be a danger magnet. With that conclusion, he didn't know how long she would live as a human. He was just glad that she was alive, though. She was still his sire, human or not, so a part of him, deep down, would always care about her.

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